Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Mike Barrio

What's Your Glass?
« on: 04/04/2022 at 15:44 »
Great to see the ever growing popularity of modern glass rods, so practical, and such good fun  >)

I have a Freestone 79 built by Sandy ...... What's yours?

Eddie Sinclair

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #1 on: 04/04/2022 at 15:56 »
Built by Sandy I have a 376, a 476, a 580 and an 888.

Does this qualify me as a glass tart?



Mike Barrio

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #2 on: 04/04/2022 at 16:06 »
Great stuff Eddie ..... nice rods  :z16

Yes, Glass Tart qualification approved  *smiley-grin*


Hamish Young

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #3 on: 06/04/2022 at 06:46 »
Not mine as I have it on loan for a bit - amongst one or two other rods - an Orvis Superfine Glass 8'8" #8wt.
I tried it out for a few casts last week on the banks of the Beauly and I have to say I am intrigued, smooth but powerful with very, very good recovery. I may have to go try it on some Carp or perhaps a Pike or two.
Convert me to glass :? Unlikely, but it is interesting :!

Sandy Nelson

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #4 on: 06/04/2022 at 08:31 »
I think it’s an as well as, H.
My collection seems to change regularly as I’m lucky enough to get to try all sorts. A bit like the carbon market we are getting to a point where there aren’t many poor glass rods out there. Consequently it’s more about what suits you and the purpose.

My current working collection consists of a Sakura 7’ 3wt, Yomogi 7’3” 4wt, Steffen 7’9” 3/4wt, Steffen 8’ 4/5wt, ijuin Bubble 7’11” 4wt, iconoglass 8’6” 8wt.

The current selection of demos are all from Dusty smith at Livingston rods. They are a 7’, 7’6” and 8’ in a 4wt and 8’ in 5 and 6wts

Other favourites include ijuin Beni 7’5” 4wt, Yomogi 7’3wt,  ijuin Hard Para 7’5” 4wt, Epic 370, Epic 476, McFarland Classic 693, 763 and 794, Spruce creek 723 and 794 and the Steffen 8’ 3/4wt. All have their place depending where you are going to use them, most are shortish dryfly rods for presentation and accuracy at ranges up to 60’ mostly at 30’ I tend to pick depending on the size of the river. Although 4wts are a bit of an obsession

I am spoiled , however if it’s blowing a fair wind I will still reach for a 5 or even 6wt carbon

Mike Barrio

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #5 on: 06/04/2022 at 10:06 »
That's a lot of nice toys Sandy  >)

Terry Coging

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #6 on: 06/04/2022 at 11:35 »
Crikey! A lot of glass out there. I was impressed with the way James's wee glass rod performed and been considering one.
Where does the CTS Chrystal Glass  fit in? - looking at the Quartz 480?

Sandy Nelson

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #7 on: 06/04/2022 at 16:56 »

The CTS glass is very nice, they made the original Epics and there own rods are all on superb taper designs.  They can be a bit pricey but are worth the money.
If you are after a Glass gateway drug , the the Taniwha 476 is a superb blank and builds into a brilliant fishing rod.  Later in the year I will have more of the Livingston blanks too and they are the best value for money I’ve found, as well as being some of the very best casting rods I’ve tried. Dustys 8’ 4wt is an amazing light allrounder and awesome dryfly rod. Limited to black or clear but they are fabulous fishing tools. I’ve demos in most sizes if you want to try one first and may be persuaded to sell a blank or two  *smiley-wink*


James Laraway

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #8 on: 07/04/2022 at 06:41 »
I love the colour of some of those blanks. The issue would be having to buy coloured reels to match, it would cost a fortune

I love my wee taniwha 476 and hope to get a glass #6 so I can retire my carbon....

So Terry - i would advise one of 2 options.

1- if Sandy has the time commission him to build you your dream rod
2 - if Sandy doesnt have the time then buy a Taniwha rod from Mark at Taniwha rod works. If you email him you can do a fair amount of customisaton in terms of reel seat, spacer ( i love my mojito acrylic one!) , agate etc

Sandy Nelson

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #9 on: 07/04/2022 at 13:01 »
I love the colour of some of those blanks. The issue would be having to buy coloured reels to match, it would cost a fortune

Any colour as long as it is black 😜

Sandy Nelson

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #10 on: 07/04/2022 at 13:11 »
I’m on Rainey day projects already over the last couple of weeks, between flu and the weather.
So have been adding a couple to my own collection to fill holes caused by sales  :X1

This is one of my favourites, not that convenient for most folk, but my fishing rods tend to spend the season built up and this fits in the car complete. This is the big river dryfly rod. The 2pc blank is smoother and lighter in the hand and feels more true. 7’9” and a spot on 4wt and is the closest I have to a goto rod.

I was experimenting with Wasabi green silk on the chestnut blank. It goes really well with the Struble Earth titanium seat which is a greenish bronze. I like it  >)

Mike Barrio

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #11 on: 07/04/2022 at 13:18 »
Looks great Sandy  >)

Steven Kidd

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #12 on: 08/04/2022 at 23:46 »
Ooohhh, I love my glass rods and are all I use, :-)

I have a Taniwha 476 in light grey / blue blank which I built myself and just love to fish with 80% of the time on the River, everything from dries, spiders and wee bead head PTNs etc.

I also have a Scott F2 774 which is a great dry fly rod for the River, also capable of presenting a couple of spiders upstream.

Then I have a Livingston 9' 6wt YS Glass built by Sandy which does everything from hill lochs, both floating and intermediate lines, to streamers on the river and the odd visit out to a stillwater.

Always a space for another....  *smiley-wink*


Duncan Inglis

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #13 on: 09/04/2022 at 17:45 »
Another vote for Taniwha 7’ 6” #4.
Bought the kit from Andrew during the first lockdown, combined with Mike’s #4 Smallstream its a cracking wee rod. For various reasons I’ve only tried it on rainbows but it handled fish to 3lb plus no problem.

Steven Kidd

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #14 on: 09/04/2022 at 20:08 »
Another vote for Taniwha 7’ 6” #4.
Bought the kit from Andrew during the first lockdown, combined with Mike’s #4 Smallstream its a cracking wee rod. For various reasons I’ve only tried it on rainbows but it handled fish to 3lb plus no problem.

It handles Salmon up to 90cm as well........ *smiley-lol*


James Laraway

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #15 on: 09/04/2022 at 22:37 »
It handles Salmon up to 90cm as well........ *smiley-lol*


I've had double figure rainbows in mine...with a click n pawl reel 😆

Robert MacDonald-Lewis

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #16 on: 12/04/2022 at 16:32 »
I have three glass rods in my collection:

An Epic 8'6" 6wt - I built one of the Blem kits
Taniwha 7’ 6” #4. again a self build
Moonlight Nirvana 7' 3wt - Drunken purchase during lock-down (but it was for a good cause)

Kav Ring

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #17 on: 11/02/2023 at 22:30 »
Sorry to dig up an old thread and apologies if I should have started a new one. I have a Bens of Holland 1wt (I need to fish more with) and an Echo 4wt and an superfine 6wt I got on an eBay deal!!
I have an Epic 888 on the way. Plan to use it mainly for smaller river pike and maybe carp and coastal the summer. Just wondering what folks would think may be a good line choices. Guessing something intermediate for pike-all pretty short range fishing and not massive flies, and a floater for carp? Thank you for any advice.
Will post a pic when it arrives

James Laraway

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #18 on: 13/02/2023 at 09:27 »
In terms of lines I bought a small stream for my #7 Haldin.
I had already cast it with a #6 SLX but a SS of the same head weight is a #8, so I bought an 8. It fishes lovely on a '#7 rod' so don't be afraid to go a 'bit heavier' as glass seems to take it ...

For fishing for pike I tend to like an intermediate. For my #8 B&W rod I managed to get hold of a new (unused) #8slx which i reccon will be just perfect...

Sandy Nelson

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #19 on: 13/02/2023 at 12:17 »
Kav, my feelings would along similar lines to James.
The 888 is a cannon and a LOT of fun, very much an 8wt for intermediate and sinkers, Short heavy 'outbound' style head, floaters would also be an 8, but if its a more conventional WF line, then a 9 will load it better. If you can try a couple first it would be better to see how you like it, a lot depends on what you will use it for. For Pike and the huge air resistant flies i would be looking at a shorter heavier head line in a 9. You tend to be casting less distance and just need something to turn the big fly over and get it where you need it.
The 888 will bend quite deep and you can generate some incredible power with a heavier line and a slower stroke, which is good for keeping a more open loop for the bulky Pike flies.  if you needed to cast with a faster stroke for fast changes on the flats or getting some distance then sticking to an 8 will be better. i actually liked it a lot with a 7wt full sinker and smaller flies.
Its a really versatile blank and like most rods will go a line up or down without an issue, depending on what you need it to do.


Kav Ring

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #20 on: 13/02/2023 at 21:14 »
Great thank you for the replies and I meant to say there are some lovely looking rods on this thread!!
I'll have a shop about and try some lines

Kav Ring

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #21 on: 17/03/2023 at 22:11 »

Kym Goldsworthy

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #22 on: 13/07/2023 at 02:03 »
I'm even later on this thread but I thought I'd add my 2 pesos.

I fish a 4wt Epic 5 piece. I think they call it the Packlight. I built it from one of their kits.

It's less noodley (is that even a word)  than some other 4wts I've cast but partners superbly with a Barro SLX 4wt line.

As expected it's a delicate dry fly rod but is also very happy casting an indicator and tungsten nymph rig.

A great all rounder


Matthew Riley

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #23 on: 17/07/2023 at 17:52 »
Late reply , but I love my Thomas &Thomas Lotic 7'10 5 weight.  It can really punch out the line if need be but is still really delicate

Mark Hanlon

Re: What's Your Glass?
« Reply #24 on: 05/08/2023 at 19:27 »
My two current go to glass rods are a W. Jude 8’9” 3/4wt Ondawa  series prototype and Livingston Western Glass 8’9”  5wt both built by Bill Hickey of W. Jude. Fly Rod Company.


Barrio Fly Lines - designed in Scotland - Cast with confidence all over the world

Barrio Fly Lines

Designed in Scotland

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Cast with confidence all over the world