Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Duncan McRae

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #25 on: 26/07/2022 at 23:03 »
Hi Dave

You have a pm

Stevie Rennie

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #26 on: 27/07/2022 at 02:23 »
She’s a beauty Duncan  :z18

Ivor Duffus

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #27 on: 27/07/2022 at 19:27 »
Cracking fish Duncan.

If the Estuary fishing  rights is for sale I think that may be a positive. Fairly sure it  is USAN that has it and wanted to set up a netting station again. They wanted to harvest a 1000 trout a year.

If they are no longer wanting it. I guess they don’t think that netting is going to start up again. Hopefully 🙏.

If I remember correctly the Dee Don And Ythan boards paid USAN a large fee to keep the nets off.


Duncan McRae

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #28 on: 27/07/2022 at 22:21 »
Vintage tackle night on the Estuary tonight :)

Daiwa rod from the 80s and Magnum reel from the early 90s.
Both were once temporary replacements for damaged more modern tackle but they work fine so i've just stuck with them.


Eddie Sinclair

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #29 on: 28/07/2022 at 08:54 »

Nice fish and yes the vintage stuff does work. I used similar rods and reels for years with no issues.


Stevie Rennie

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #30 on: 28/07/2022 at 16:11 »
Nice to see a vintage combo still in use and the fine results you achieve with it  :z16

James Laraway

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #31 on: 28/07/2022 at 16:26 »
Its a genius business model.

Buy the rights to something you know nobody wants you to do then get them to pay you not to do it.

Its a total scam.

Cracking fish Duncan.

If the Estuary fishing  rights is for sale I think that may be a positive. Fairly sure it  is USAN that has it and wanted to set up a netting station again. They wanted to harvest a 1000 trout a year.

If they are no longer wanting it. I guess they don’t think that netting is going to start up again. Hopefully 🙏.

If I remember correctly the Dee Don And Ythan boards paid USAN a large fee to keep the nets off.


Ivor Duffus

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #32 on: 28/07/2022 at 20:57 »
Its a genius business model.

Buy the rights to something you know nobody wants you to do then get them to pay you not to do it.

Its a total scam.

Indeed James.

I seem to remember the agreement was around 15-16k 🤷🏻‍♂️. 

Ivor Duffus

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #33 on: 31/07/2022 at 15:29 »
Managed to winkle one out late Friday night in the low water.

Not going back until it gets a decent flush out. Looking like another dry week  🤨

Duncan McRae

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #34 on: 31/07/2022 at 22:54 »
Nice fish Ivor.
If we could get a good rise in water,I think that we would be in for some fine fishing.


Duncan McRae

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #35 on: 06/08/2022 at 21:36 »
There seems to be quite a lot less seatrout on the go now.
I suppose that most have now left the Estuary and headed for their respective local rivers.

I did see a few Salmon splashing this afternoon.
Hopefully,we will get some water and let them move upstream before the seals get hold of them.

Took a cock seatrout this afternoon which is a real rarity for me.
I've caught very few male seatrout over the years and most years it's 100% Hen fish i catch.
I don't know why there's so few about?


Eddie Sinclair

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #36 on: 06/08/2022 at 22:26 »

I am not surprised about your ratio of hen seatrout to cocks. On the river Cowie in Stone haven we never really see anything other than hens. Adrian Hudson the Dee biologist told us that the wee cock burn trout spawn with the sea trout hens and that this is quite common on burns that don’t have the feeding available to sustain a population of large adult brown trout.


Stevie Rennie

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #37 on: 17/08/2022 at 02:37 »
Nice fish Duncan,
Very interesting to learn of the rarity of male seatrout.

I managed two recent visits to the estuary with a buddy and we had a great time on both occasions.

Low wind on day one meant fine fly casting conditions and a nice flat surface where there seemed to be plenty bigger fish showing but an obvious quietening of the finnock.

A few salmon were louping on arrival which got our attention and after me catching 3 small seatrout around 1lb in quick succession on the now staple damsel and with my pal still at zero but receiving pulls to the tail, he switched to an orange shrimpy salmon fly and got instantly rewarded with a bonnie male seatrout with very similar markings to Duncans.

It gave us the runaround for a bit doing 360’s round my pal and me in hot pursuit with the net but a quick click for the memory banks, gentle recovery and away he went.

Almost next cast the jammy bugger was straight into a grilse.

A few more crackers were played and lost over the course of the day but a few thankfully stuck and were dually released.

The silver toby made an appearance and brought me my largest of the day at high tide.

I think this may have been my best Ythan day so far with great fishing in great calm conditions and great company.

Imagining that after the first taste of rain the estuary would be a very different place, we took our only chance and ventured out again on monday with high hopes and were rewarded kindly once again for our efforts.

I had arrived 15 mins before my pal and was straight into a cracker around 2 1/2lb on the damsel, no photo due to it bolting the net as I fumbled with my phone and wet fingers :X1
10 minutes after my buddy started he was rewarded with this handsome chap of 3lb. A theme starting here?

Conditions as I’ve learned can often change fast at the estuary and it soon became challenging to cast from our north bank but being trapped by the high tide meant we had to stay put and slog it out.

My buddy kept at it doggedly with the fly rod and occasional fly to the back of the napper but I reluctantly retired the #6 and succumbed to the dark art of spinning at high tide and over the next hour lost 3 bumpers as quickly as they connected.

We worked our way down to a slightly more sheltered stretch and the now outgoing tide seemed more suited to the fly again with a calmer inner seam producing a few finnock mainly to his bloody butcher dropper.

As darkness neared I got my last seatrout of the day and likely the season of around 2lb and with sheer determination just before dark, so did my pal.

Twa crackers on starting and another two to close, with a few lost in between was more than appreciated and truly grateful to have encountered a few more Ythan beauties.

Works now calling my name, so I’ll miss the excitement the next few weeks should bring but tight lines to all fishing the upper stretches.

James Laraway

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #38 on: 17/08/2022 at 09:26 »

Makes me want to drive though for a couple of days fishing.

Id have thought they would mostly have run upstream by now ? Maybe the low water al year has kept more in the estuary ?

Mike Barrio

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #39 on: 17/08/2022 at 09:34 »
Great stuff Stevie  >)

Stevie Rennie

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #40 on: 17/08/2022 at 12:57 »

Makes me want to drive though for a couple of days fishing.

Id have thought they would mostly have run upstream by now ? Maybe the low water al year has kept more in the estuary ?

A long drive past countless quality fishing for you to get there James but if it was two weeks ago, I’d have highly recommended it.

Now we’ve had some desperately  needed rain, I can only estimate that it has decreased the estuary numbers dramatically. As you suggest the low levels maybe kept them there in greater numbers awaiting the run on their respective rivers.

I’d imagine that upstream of the estuary would truly come alive today onwards but I have no real experience of fishing the upper stretches.

Looking forward to seeing the next posts of success upstream.

Duncan McRae

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #41 on: 17/08/2022 at 18:41 »
Great report Stevie.
Some nice fish there.

No doubt some fish will move upstream but the water's still very low.
Could be doing with a real deluge.


Stevie Rennie

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #42 on: 18/08/2022 at 13:51 »
Could be doing with a real deluge.


Cheers Duncan,

I was surprised to see just how little an increase there was on the Ythan, where as the Don came up 8”.
Not quite the deluge they need but a good cool down until it arrives.

Duncan McRae

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #43 on: 26/08/2022 at 23:15 »
I'm beginning to wonder if we'll get any river fishing this season :z8

The fish are starting to colour up now in the Estuary.


Stevie Rennie

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #44 on: 27/08/2022 at 17:29 »
Some serious dimensions on that bruiser  *smiley-shocking*

Duncan McRae

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #45 on: 03/09/2022 at 19:50 »
Wild,windy conditions on the Estuary today.
Almost decided not to tackle up but the water was still fairly clear so just went for it.

Ended up a productive couple of hours.
As well as seatrout, i caught a couple of crabs and a Blenny(i think).
All released unharmed :)

Highlight of the day was a seasons best seatrout.
A real whopper and yet another male.
I'm just wondering if the males arrive in the Estuary a bit later than the females and i've missed them in previous years.Normally i would be off the estuary and on the rivers by now.

Managed a snapshot just before he took off!


Mike Barrio

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #46 on: 03/09/2022 at 20:18 »
Great stuff Duncan  :z16

Congrats on the season's best, interesting thoughts on the later run of males.

Ivor Duffus

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #47 on: 04/09/2022 at 20:06 »
A thumper that one Duncan 👍.

Any gossip on the Estuary how much have been caught this year.

Stevie Rennie

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #48 on: 04/09/2022 at 23:43 »
Well done Duncan, looks a cracker :z16

Duncan McRae

Re: River Ythan 2022
« Reply #49 on: 05/09/2022 at 20:50 »
Thanks guys.
I'm very lucky that I can be on the water ,in a few minutes ,at the drop of a hat.

Haven't heard anything Ivor.
Probably have to wait until the river reports at the end of the season :(



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