Hi Iain,
I'm no expert but a lot of new patterns do include the new materials like arctic fox due to the movement and they do look very nice!
if you are just startring, i don't know what your tying skills are like (mine aren't the best to say the least
) but the older patterns with bucktail ie cascade tubes are still very effective. Here is what i woud reccomend however i am relatively new to tubes as well.
Arctic fox (various colours or Veniard do a mixed pack)
Bucktail ( same as above)
Antron wool ( black, orange and red)
Dyed hackles (fl. orange, yellow etc..)
Jungle cock (not neccesary the fish don't mind and is expensive)
Flashbrite dubbing seems to be a popular body
Last but definatly not least tubes!
Hope this helps as i say what i would do but hopefully others will leave there ideas for comparison.
P.s where did you order the Mikael Frodins dvd? i want it!
Cheers, Jay