I am just back from work on 3 boats in Scrabster. It is apperently OK for me to collect a colleague from his house, drive north in the van, meet 30 more people than I have in the last two weeks, work in close proximity to half of them and come home and be back in the workshop tomorrow BUT not go fishing, alone. I am not self isolating after the trip.
Obviously we should not go near the old and sick in nursing homes, nor should we have added more sick people to the homes, but those of us who feel fine about going out in to the world should be encouraged to do so. The UK will be on its knees very soon with a workforce that wants to stay at home. Wrong move.
Other than the high risk areas like London, most of the country is at a very low risk. The death rate is not that much higher than a normal year. There have been worse flu seasons in UK history, with no lock down. In the late 60s America had a bad case of Hong Kong flu and 100,000 people died, 1,000,000 world wide and nobody locked down. People were incouraged to get it to obtain immunity and yet here we are, panicking in our houses and being force fed a diet of fear. Piers Morgan is losing the plot and ranting about mass murder, ffs. Celebrities are on promoting lockdown, which is fine if you are loaded and have a huge house and probably a promise of work if the recite the script.
The NHS will go back to being the royal f**k up it was before this germ arrived and I for one will never clap for a bunch of retards that have time to dance on Tik Tok and made my 88yr old mother do physio on a broken leg they didn't find and completely miss the cancer in her lungs, hip and liver.
If you say this line like a Dalek, getting higher each time, you may see what is happening. "Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives".
I have seen more people out walking dogs I didn't know they had, in groups, where I live than ever before. I drive to the woods near the North Esk and walk there, never seeing a soul. I sit and watch fish that I cannot cast for, and contemplate taking the wee rod with me. There have been some great hatches and I have even seen some Daddy Long Legs!
Last night the bar in the hotel in Wick was open to guests and we socially distanced from each other and got royally pished. 8 blokes, smiling, with no wives and pints in hand showing what can be accomplished.
Glen Tanar in a float tube or the Isla, alone with the short rod, cannot come quick enough.