also how many salmon had been killed last year? how can the industry afford these problems and stay Viable with out funding ? Derek Roxborough
I wanted to put some facts and figures down, but getting information on Scottish farms is very difficult. Why? Because ScotGov have refused to release details. They have constantly applied for an exemption from freedom of information requests, the last one I can find being November last year. There are 14 listed that I can see. Although the exemptions have been denied every time, they are still refusing to divulge mortality rates.
"As the information you have requested is 'environmental information' for the purposes of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRs), we are required to deal with your request under those Regulations. We are applying the exemption at section 39(2) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA), so that we do not also have to deawith your request under FOISA."
However, I have a copy of the SAMS report (Review of the Environmental Impacts of Salmon Farming in Scotland) here.
Some interesting figures:
"An average of 146,000 cultivated adult salmon are reported to enter the sea from salmon farms each year in Scotland. The number is likely to be under-reported."
On the Scottish parliament website, tucked well away, I found this little statement.
"In 2014, the last year for which survival can be calculated, the survival rate from smolt input to harvest decreased to 73.3%."
So that's a mortality rate of 26.7%. of smolt to adult fish. No mention of Ova to smolt, although I did find figures of 49,370,000 ova imported from Norway in 2016 (last year figures seem to be available).
I found the production figure for 2014 for harvested salmon of 171,000 tonnes.
That equates to a mortality "tonnage" of around 45,500 tonnes! (26.7% of 216,500 total production)
That's a lot of fish!!
I hope that answers your question on numbers.