Hi guys! i'm a beginner, and i need a fly line for my Hardy Shadow Sintrix 9feet 5# , someone recommended me a Barrio Mallard or Smallstream line. I usually fish smaller rivers, but since i am still learning , i want to achieve some distance while practicing.
My question is: Should i overline my hardy Shadow (medium-fast) with a 6# Barrio Mallard, or does a 5# work just fine? i've read that the Mallard line has all the weight at the front, with a short head, so maybe a 5# still works nice even on a Medium/fast rod right? I'm currently using a SA Aircel 6#, and don't like it too much... I don't know if the problem is the long belly or (probably) me.
Sadly, there's no fly fishing instructors nor fly fisherman where i live, so i have to learn by trial and error
(sorry if i made any mistakes, still learning english)