Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

James Laraway

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #175 on: 04/05/2017 at 16:57 »
never heard of the don being described as a limestone based river ?

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #176 on: 04/05/2017 at 17:28 »
Hi James

I did my Final year Geography project on the Don, at school , During the project I covered many of the feeders and did an in depth analysis of the water, to find out why it is so prolific when much of the surrounding high ground is Acidic based. We found that there are areas of limestone high in the catchment which contribute a lot of the nutrients to the river, hence the fantastic Ranunculus beds and huge insect population and why it fishes really well in its upper reaches.

When they did the last Don Mangement plan in 2009 they also picked up on this along with Sandstone And Schist which add to the flavour.
"2.2 Geology and Hydrology
The bedrock of the Don catchment is dominated by quartz-based acidic rock types and to
a lesser extent localised areas of granite, both of which are weathering-resistant.
Consequently they introduce relatively low levels of nutrients into the river and offer
little buffering capacity against acidic rainfall.
Some localised areas of the catchment are naturally more nutrient-rich. Basic rock types
such as the gabbro and allied types underlying the Urie and around Strathdon are
important for introducing nutrients to the water, as are areas of Old Red Sandstone
around Kildrummy and the limestone and hornblende-schists upstream of Strathdon.
Typically much of the water chemistry for the Don is reasonably good by northern
Scottish upland standards."

So perhaps not the classic Spring fed Limestone rivers of the south, but very much a limestone infused alkaline chemistry in an area where it is uncommon.



Liam Stephen

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #177 on: 04/05/2017 at 17:35 »
That's why I fish with Sandy so often!  :z4

Everyday is a school day. Great post mate.


James Laraway

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #178 on: 04/05/2017 at 17:41 »
Hi James

I did my Final year Geography project on the Don, at school , During the project I covered many of the feeders and did an in depth analysis of the water, to find out why it is so prolific when much of the surrounding high ground is Acidic based. We found that there are areas of limestone high in the catchment which contribute a lot of the nutrients to the river, hence the fantastic Ranunculus beds and huge insect population and why it fishes really well in its upper reaches.

When they did the last Don Mangement plan in 2009 they also picked up on this along with Sandstone And Schist which add to the flavour.
"2.2 Geology and Hydrology
The bedrock of the Don catchment is dominated by quartz-based acidic rock types and to
a lesser extent localised areas of granite, both of which are weathering-resistant.
Consequently they introduce relatively low levels of nutrients into the river and offer
little buffering capacity against acidic rainfall.
Some localised areas of the catchment are naturally more nutrient-rich. Basic rock types
such as the gabbro and allied types underlying the Urie and around Strathdon are
important for introducing nutrients to the water, as are areas of Old Red Sandstone
around Kildrummy and the limestone and hornblende-schists upstream of Strathdon.
Typically much of the water chemistry for the Don is reasonably good by northern
Scottish upland standards."

So perhaps not the classic Spring fed Limestone rivers of the south, but very much a limestone infused alkaline chemistry in an area where it is uncommon.



being a geologist by background  i hate to say it but i understand most of that !!! Not sure that some patches of LMST in the upper river justify the description of the don as a 'limestone based river though ?

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #179 on: 04/05/2017 at 17:51 »
being a geologist by background  i hate to say it but i understand most of that !!! Not sure that some patches of LMST in the upper river justify the description of the don as a 'limestone based river though ?

Cheers James :z18

I never it took beyond School, so you will understand things much better than I do.  As Liam says everyday is a schoolday  :z16.
I always believed the Limestone had a reasonable contributing factor to what makes the river different in the NE, I'm still sure it does, but maybe not quite as much as I have always thought.
Be interesting to know if Jamie has more information on the water chemistry.



Rob Brownfield

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #180 on: 05/05/2017 at 12:12 »
A picture paints a thousand words :) Might explain why the Deveron is very different in character to the Dee as well.

Kevin Bell

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #181 on: 05/05/2017 at 12:52 »
This solitary lump was the only fish to end up in my net today. It was a bloody belter though!  :z14

The upper river definitely has a proper trophy hunting feel to it. Thanks Ali for taking me along.

At only 22" it fairly pulled the scales. Huge across the shoulders and a big belly.


What a beautiful trout Liam,well done. Simply stunning.

Kevin Bell

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #182 on: 05/05/2017 at 12:55 »
Better hurry, we had a muppet on Facebook last night telling us to kill them all because they are eating all the salmon...

If I could catch trout like these I wouldnt care if I ever seen a salmon again.

Colin Sunley

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #183 on: 05/05/2017 at 19:57 »
If I could just catch trout 😁😁😁😁

Steven Sinclair

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #184 on: 05/05/2017 at 20:33 »
Better hurry, we had a muppet on Facebook last night telling us to kill them all because they are eating all the salmon...

A quick scan of his Facebook profile just highlights how much of an ill informed xenophobic pr#@k he is. Thankfully that attitude is dying out.



James Craig

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #185 on: 06/05/2017 at 22:43 »
I had a last minute opportunity to get out on the river today - with northerly winds and clear skies forecast, I wasn't expecting much. Fortunately, I turned out to be very wrong!

I made it to the river about 11am and there was already a good amount of fly life on the go  and a few fish rising here and there. By midday the place was alive with fly life and the fish were not shy on coming to the surface. There seemed to be flies of all sorts coming off at the same time; uprights, sedge, stoneflies, midge etc. Even some terrestrials in the mix with some Crane Flies drifting about.

There seemed to be a lot of little Sedge coming off, the gusting wind bringing them down stream in clouds - so plumped for a small Deer Hair Sedge. I missed a few fish on it so persevered, working up the pool, until I managed to net this chap:

At just under two-an-a-half pounds I was really chuffed - a new best brownie for me!

After releasing him, I saw a fish further up the pool so started working up the edge of the bank. I took a few steps and just about stepped on a fish right beneath me. Seemingly not bothered, it slowly slinked its way up stream a few yards before it spotted a tasty morsel and nonchalantly sipped it off the surface. Mesmarised - I stripped some line off and somehow put a cast a four or five feet ahead of his snout. During what seemed to be an eternity, I watched him look at it, let it go by, turn and come back down stream for it, before snatching it and shooting off into mid stream. Carnage, and a sore arm ensued before fumbling him into the net.

In the net at three and a quarter pounds and around 20". My first wild Broonie over 3lbs (the fish five minutes previously was my fist over 2lbs  :shock). A strong kick back into the current was the icing on the cake.

I spent the rest of the day farting about watching birds, flies and fish slashing the surface.  At one point I stood high on a bank and watched 5 fish of a decent size dart around in a slow but shallow pool, one moment rooting around amongst the rocks the next moment plucking something off the surface and at no point staying still! Various hatches came and went until about 5.30pm and   whilst I missed a few more fish (d'oh!), managed to net a few more on the dry too.

A magic day on the water.


Scott Cumming

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #186 on: 06/05/2017 at 23:04 »
Looks like you had a great day :z16 well done James   :z18

Scott C

Mike Barrio

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #187 on: 06/05/2017 at 23:08 »
Great stuff James :z16

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #188 on: 07/05/2017 at 18:30 »
Great stuff James

It's magic when it starts to come together :z18


Rob Brownfield

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #189 on: 08/05/2017 at 11:49 »
Friday was a bit difficult on the river. A strong wind and bright sunshine made the fish a little reluctant to much so that I only saw one small fish splash.

Still, fished the usual holes but no joy. I suspect this was partly down to the kids on the bank who had been chucking in stones and balls for a couple of dogs to fetch.

Decided to move to the "new" bit I discovered, which requires a very heavy fly to get down quickly. Sorted, a couple of fish around the 1.5lb mark, but as the wind was being really awkward, I packed up early and headed for an early beer in front of the TV.

Ended up tying a load of Klinks instead coz telly was crap.

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #190 on: 10/05/2017 at 20:00 »
Perfect day for exploring a new beat today :z16

Sometimes it all falls into place and you happen to be there to get the best of it

Massive Grannom hatch and lots of Uprights kept the fish on the feed, for a good chunk of the middle of the day.

Plume tips and PTN's picked up plenty cracking fish including this fish which used its Spade of a tail to great effect, but didn't get the better of the Bamboo

So a Fab day in great company, with perfect conditions, what more could you ever ask for :z16


Mike Barrio

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #191 on: 10/05/2017 at 20:23 »
Thanks for a cracking day Sandy :z16
Pity I didn't pull my weight towards the catches :oops ...... I had enough chances :z4  :z4  :z4

Ali Mcewan

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #192 on: 10/05/2017 at 21:39 »
They seamed to switch back on today,
Had a great few hours this afternoon, 9 between 1lb & 2lb

This wee fatty was the pick of the bunch, maybe just short of 3lb

Rob Brownfield

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #193 on: 12/05/2017 at 08:28 »
Last night we hit the lower Don, where steep banks and big rocks are the order of the day. The wind was awkward and the flies/fish not very forthcoming so the normal tactics were not working.

Out came the streamer box! A 4 weight should not be able to put a leaded and cone headed wooly bugger across the river! Not only does it handle it, it positively enjoys it!

The SLX makes it easy! Where there is room, long casts are fired out with an overhead cast. Where the bank is high, a snap T or a plain single spey puts the streamer into the middle and beyond.

Whilst the Brownies were not playing too much, the Finnock were :)  8 or 9 hits but only a couple landed. Not reportable, but they saved a blank :)

My mate is finally getting to grips with the GT90 and its starting to be a pleasure seeing him cast. Unfortunately, he lost a decent Brownie on the Klink and dink, a fish about 2 pounds that leapt a few times before the hook pinged.

Ali Mcewan

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #194 on: 12/05/2017 at 11:05 »
Me & the young gun had a day right up river yesterday for a change of scene.. too low for a lot of the water we walked, but picked up a few, not many big pools so when I hooked this one it took off down stream like a rocket, great to see in low clear water

One of the bigger pools

Liam Stephen

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #195 on: 12/05/2017 at 12:27 »
Great day and some seriously awesome water. I would like to fish it back end with a bit more water. I reckon that would reflect its true potential. Hint, hint Ali!  :z4 :z7

Here's my best of the day hooked a few casts into the first pool.


Mike Barrio

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #196 on: 12/05/2017 at 12:34 »
Nice fish and great photos guys :z16

Mike Barrio

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #197 on: 12/05/2017 at 15:30 »
That's better ........ and I enjoyed a coffee on the bank too :z12

Kevin Bell

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #198 on: 13/05/2017 at 20:55 »
Oh dearie me, I would do unspeakable things for the chance of one of these beauties  :shock

Crackin fish and photos again lads,well done.

Ali Mcewan

Re: River Don 2017
« Reply #199 on: 13/05/2017 at 21:51 »
Arrived today to find I'd been beaten to it

Not bad with phone through the binos, tried getting closer but that failed 😂

Got to the first pool & did a quick long range release on a good fish off the top, was truly gutted, seen him a few times now. One day!!

The next pool produced this, which fought real well, they are a different beast from a month ago!! 👍🏻

Then hooked a beast which snapped me at the net 😢 Not my day I guess,2 best fish of the day dropped!!

Some huge hatches today, cloud after cloud

2nd time iv done the post as some photos went up on the side, if it's happened again, tuff 😂😂


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