Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Sea Bass - Scottish rules?

Started by Hamish Young, 10/01/2017 at 18:26

Hamish Young

Anyone have some insight into the rules regarding Sea Bass fishing in Scotland :? There are regulations which come so far North of the border related to both commercial and sport fishing but I am finding it tough to source any information at all on the Scottish Government website - or elsewhere  :roll

Derek Roxborough

I would think the Bass rules would apply across the UK. Scottish Government too Busy wondering about Independence  :X2 easgach 1

Hamish Young

OK, so this is the ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) fishing areas that include UK territorial waters and these are the regulations for recreational fisheries:

In ICES Areas IVb, IVc, VIIa, VIId, VIIe, VIIf, VIIg, VIIh  from 1 January to 30 June 2016 catch and release only permitted,  from 1 July to 31 December 2016 one bass per fisherman per day.
In ICES areas VIIj and VIIk from 1 January to 31 December 2016 one bass per fisherman per day.

I've highlighted 2016 as I guess no-one has clocked we've moved on a year.  Now looking at the map and the information I have found someone please tell me that I haven't lost it and most of Scotland is somehow not covered by this legislation..... according to the best information I can get out of the web :? :!

Rob Brownfield

This was covered in Sea Angler a few weeks back. The areas that, as you quite rightly say, appear not to be covered are not considered as "bass fisheries" and since angling pressure is so low, it was felt that there was no need for legislation.

This is a slightly easier map to follow the areas.

Hamish Young

It's amazing what you find out.....
The minimum keeping size for Sea Bass is now 420mm (or 16.5 inches) but some of the local clubs (to me at least) have this down as 360mm (14.2 inches), it represents one hell of a difference in the year class of the fish.
It seems that Sea Bass of under 400mm are generally regarded as being 4 years old or less..... so if anyone has kept fish under 420mm they've been killing immature stock.
It's perhaps not a huge thing in the scheme of things, but these fish are a very precious commodity on our coastline and I'm kind of disappointed that this information hasn't been more widely circulated amongst angling clubs north of the border - saltwater fly fishing grows in popularity in the UK every year and in Scotland particularly.
As we are the custodians (of a sort) it is beholden on those who set the rules to let us know.....


Rob Brownfield

Quote from: Hamish Young on 14/01/2017 at 20:27
I'm kind of disappointed that this information hasn't been more widely circulated amongst angling clubs north of the border -

A certain power station that was famed for Bass has been raped of small fish, with most being sold to the local restaurants. There are videos on youtube of people catching 2 bass at once, well undersize, and throwing them up the bank.

SEPA did go down a couple of times, but that did not stop anyone. That was one nursery, I am sure there are others in the same boat up here.

Hamish Young

I hope not Rob, but expect you're right  :z6

Rob Brownfield

Quote from: Hamish Young on 16/01/2017 at 19:35
I hope not Rob, but expect you're right  :z6

Fill you boots...

Hamish Young

Sorry Rob - what I meant was I hope other Bass 'nurseries' are not in the same boat as the Peterhead power station  :z10
My shorthand, but thanks for posting the video. I watched about 45 seconds of it......

Rob Brownfield

Quote from: Hamish Young on 17/01/2017 at 08:11
Sorry Rob - what I meant was I hope other Bass 'nurseries' are not in the same boat as the Peterhead power station  :z10
My shorthand, but thanks for posting the video. I watched about 45 seconds of it......

Lol..I realised what you was saying...what I meant, and its my use of shorthand, was have a look at this as an example of the destruction going on around our coast by "anglers".  :)

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