My youngest is fast approaching 17, so she is looking at cars. To be fair to her, she has a bit of a passion for older cars, so that makes me happy...
...however, onto the story...Cass and myself have talked about buying a car that the three of us can use, and that my youngest can learn to drive in.
We have narrowed it down to an old SJ or a Jimny. Cheap parts, square so easy to park, dents and dings look good on them and so on make it a perfect beginners car, but I have not told her yet that I shall be using it in the winder to get to some of the harder to reach Grayling and Pike spots and she is going to have to take the bus!
Also not told her the 0-60 time is around 14 seconds so no disking about showing off in front of boys (for her...not me!!).
Quite looking forward to driving an SJ again (if we can find one).