Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

The Aul Troot

The weather for the past week has remained decidedly mixed with temperatures lower than seasonally expected and a northerly breeze still persisting. With one day of bright sunshine and higher temperatures the weather again slipped on Friday/Saturday to dreich, wet conditions. The result of these weather conditions has seen the fish appear unsettled with, on some days, good surface activity followed by another day of no apparent activity near to the surface. However, it was pleasing to see that the dry fly emerged as the best catcher this week followed by a variety of smaller presentations including buzzers, spiders and snatchers with Diawl Bach being the best sub surface presentation.
The best recorded catches this week fell to; A Murray, Gardenstown, 14 fish, (white fritz, olive fritz), B Gibb, King Edward, 12 fish, (buzzers, diawl bach), A Cowie, Fraserburgh, 10 fish, (blob, diawl bach), N Thomson, Turriff, 8 fish, (buzzers), A Hall, Macduff, 7 fish, (black buzzers), J West, Fraserburgh, 7 fish, (shepman's buzzer), S Edwards, Turriff, 7 fish, (dry fly), D Low, Aberdeen, 6 fish, (dry fly), J Dalziel, Aberdeen, 6 fish, (snatcher, spider).
Next week is predicted to remain settled at least for the first half and hopefully these conditions will settle the fish and allow patterns to emerge.
Delgatie Castle Trout Fishery is open 7 days from  8am with closing time between 8 and 9pm depending on light conditions. Visitors and novices are always welcome and booking is not necessary. Boats (where required), rods and tackle is available for hire at the fishery. For up to date information phone Bob on 07980 999 006. :z15


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Barrio Fly Lines

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