Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

The Aul Troot

At last, after six weeks of unseasonably cold weather which also featured a consistent wind from the North and North East this week saw a dramatic rise in temperature and the winds modified to acceptable levels. This change in conditions did not herald an overall increase in fish catches but several anglers attained good returns with most landing at least a few fish. This week saw the feeding activities moving away from lures and overtaken by nymphs and buzzers and the dry fly beginning to emerge. The fish are still more active at lower levels and an intermediate line with a steady retrieve has been most successful. The best recorded catches this week were; S Edwards, Turriff (2 sessions), 47 fish, (red nymph), A Cowie, Fraserburgh (2 sessions), 37 fish, (diawl bach, buzzers), A Murray, Gardenstown (several visits), 33 fish, (white nomad, olive fritz), N Thomson, Turriff, 13 fish, (buzzers), C Watson, New Deer, 11 fish, (damsel nymph, cat's whisker).
Delgatie Castle Trout Fishery is open seven days from 8am til 9pm with further extensions considered as weather dictates. Visitors and novices are always welcome and booking is not necessary. Boats (where required) rods and tackle is available for hire at the fishery.
The weather for the coming week suggest a further rise in temperatures and generally settled conditions. Hopefully leading to a start to the surface activity of the fish and the emergence of decent fly hatches.
For up to date information phone Bob on 07980 999 006. :z15


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