Aye Marc, you can see why I said a "Scandi-Skagit type thing", it is quite a minefield trying to provide a description on a forum of something you have cast that isn't
quite one thing but isn't
quite enough of another to classed as something other than a 'type thing'
Perhaps I should have said 'hybrid'
I confess I have always considered a 'Scandi' style line to be a shooting head, simply as it has always been presented to me as such and it is (relatively) a 'new' term to me.
So whilst I believe I am quite happy with the differences between Scandi and Skagit types and the typical anchors used in both during Spey casting I am actually now a wee bit perplexed as I don't recall casting anything that suggested it was both Scandi style
and a full length fly line.
Unless a 'Spey' line that uses versileaders (other products are available) is now being classed as a Scandi style (
) it just doesn't work with my (admittedly peculiar) definitions or how I see these lines to class them as anything other than a shooting head.
..... or is it that what you're saying is the 'Scandi' type lines are a full line in their own right as they do not have to fish a versileader (other products are available) off the front to be a 'full' line whereas a Skagit requires a T tip (or similar) as a vital component and therefore cannot be considered a full line without tips
It's a bloody nightmare this