With an imminent move on the cards, I will be back living in a place I hold very dear to my heart. 20 yards away is a small stream that is intricate and interesting to fish, with small pools, fast glides and tricky casts.
I used to fish it with a 7'6" Lee Wulff "bamboo"rod that was built by myself from a blank given to me by Jim Somers in payment for some rods I built for him. I understand the blanks were originally made by Sharpes.
Anyway, I smashed the tip years ago and threw away the remains
but I want to replace it.
So, any recommendations for something somewhere between 7' and 7'6" casting about a 4 weight that won't break the bank? Cane or glass, not really fussed as long as it has a nice action.
Cheers in advance.