Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Jim Eddie

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #200 on: 11/08/2015 at 10:58 »
A Slob Trout is a Brown Trout that can't make its mind up if its a sea trout so just hangs around the Estuary.



Marc Fauvet

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #201 on: 11/08/2015 at 13:26 »
thanks Jim  :z16
considering they don't really have a 'mind to make up' i pity them for being insulted behind their backs...  :z4 :z4 :z4

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #202 on: 15/08/2015 at 12:05 »
Been a tricky couple of weeks. The hatches i've seen that have brought some interest from the better fish have been in the afternoon, where a few selective fish have been picking off the BWO's.
Small dark olives and sedges on an evening have only meant small fish for me, so its fished much better between 3 and 6 for the better ones.
Hard to find them though, but they will snaffle a size 14 SHE with gusto when its presented right :z16

This was the only decent photo of the week.

A youngster munching an eel, i got quite close before he spotted me.

not sure what this rain will do, but i'm sure it won't do any harm :z16


Iain Cameron

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #203 on: 16/08/2015 at 08:33 »
not sure what this rain will do, but i'm sure it won't do any harm :z16

cracking otter pic!

Fishing has been sporadic for me this year with dog and change of job taking up much time/energy recently. Always some  trouts rising around 4-7pm when I'm out walking the dog over last few weeks, so concur with Sandy's observation.

Ventured out in the drizzle yesterday. A drizzle that turned into a drenching. The river rose and coloured up in front of me, but there were enough upwings on the go to keep a few trout looking up. Nothing pic worthy, but a couple rose to a cdc emerger and a couple to a spent spinner pattern on smoother water, before multiple damp bits made up my mind that home would be a better option.

Liam Stephen

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #204 on: 19/08/2015 at 14:03 »
The Epic has been properly (it took a handful of rainbows  yesterday  :X2) christened on the Don. Less than ideal conditions today, high and dirty. I found a few risers though and nailed them.



Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #205 on: 28/08/2015 at 09:27 »
 Hi everyone.  I was wondering if the Don is worth fishing mid to end of September, or maybe the Deveron. If so, are there any particular beats that you guys would recommend?  I'm only looking to fish for trout (C&R) and happy to fish anything that might get my string pulled.... dries, klink and dink, czech nymphing, streamers or whatever. Not interested in secret spots, if I'm on a beat I'll fish it all the way through anyway..... just a few preferences of area would be nice!
 Is the Deveron more seatrout and salmon? Is there anywhere on that river that might hodl some good brownies?

 Anyway, any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Mike Barrio

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #206 on: 28/08/2015 at 14:25 »
Hi Skyeman,
Welcome to the forum :z16

I enjoy fishing any of the beats on the Don and the Deveron, there is a possibility of a good trout or two on all of them in my experience. My preference for certain beats is more about the surroundings than the fishing to be honest :cool:

Best wishes


Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #207 on: 28/08/2015 at 15:49 »
 I'm thinking trying Monymusk and Parkhill, one looks defintely nicer scenery wise though! Is September not a great time to try?

Mike Barrio

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #208 on: 28/08/2015 at 16:43 »
Is September not a great time to try?

Every month is a good fishing month :z4 ....... and it is really down to the weather at the time.

Best wishes


Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #209 on: 28/08/2015 at 19:04 »
I'm thinking trying Monymusk and Parkhill, one looks defintely nicer scenery wise though! Is September not a great time to try?

If you dont mind a bit of a jungle Monymusk should be good certainly hard to beat for scenery we bennachie in the back ground. Although i have only been Salmon fishing recently i have seen some nice browns rising to drys in the early evening. kicking ma self i never had the trout rod  :z14
September should be better tho for day time fishing.

Just my humble opinion of course  :z8


Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #210 on: 28/08/2015 at 19:27 »
 Thanks for the advice guys. I presume I'll be as well just going bugs on through, unless there's risers.  :z16

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #211 on: 30/08/2015 at 07:02 »
You presume correct :z16

Time of the day and conditions are key to hatches, as with any river, but September should bring you Large dark olives again, Small dark olives and Iron blues depending on the beat, so DHE's in 14 and SHE's in 16's should have you covered for any dries.
Always worth a chuck with a streamer too if there is nothing moving, but if you keep yourself on the move you will find rising fish.

Don't know much about bugging, but I know it works really well if you know how to do it. :z16




Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #212 on: 30/08/2015 at 10:32 »
 Thank you for the advice Sandy. I suppose I'd rather catch them on dries, but just a nice bit of sport and would be good. I might even try a streamer if things get particularly tough, but we'll see. The weather may play a big part...... as per any month I suppose. lol


Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #213 on: 19/09/2015 at 09:31 »
Well so far tried Inverurie from where it joins the Urie upwards.....rather disappointing, didn't see a single fish and nothing on nymphs or bugs. Strange cos it looked fishy, I wonder if it's taken a battering as its so accessible?
 Anyway went to a place called Manar, which was ridiculously expensive for Brown Trout C&R.....£35!!! But it was really good fishing, had over a dozen to a pound or so, all on olive klinks. Didn't realise how deep it was, got a nice soaking trying to get to a better afish on the far least 2lb and head and tailed a few times, and I couldn't even get a rise out of him when I got within range! The f@cker! Lol
  Might give Parkhill a go there's some nice fish being taken there, but we'll see. I'd also like to do Manar again, but like I said the price is off putting.


Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #214 on: 24/09/2015 at 15:15 »
Well so far tried Inverurie from where it joins the Urie upwards.....rather disappointing, didn't see a single fish and nothing on nymphs or bugs. Strange cos it looked fishy, I wonder if it's taken a battering as its so accessible?
 Anyway went to a place called Manar, which was ridiculously expensive for Brown Trout C&R.....£35!!! But it was really good fishing, had over a dozen to a pound or so, all on olive klinks. Didn't realise how deep it was, got a nice soaking trying to get to a better afish on the far least 2lb and head and tailed a few times, and I couldn't even get a rise out of him when I got within range! The f@cker! Lol
  Might give Parkhill a go there's some nice fish being taken there, but we'll see. I'd also like to do Manar again, but like I said the price is off putting.

I heard the reason for Manar price is folk were taking a trout ticket only and fishing for Salmon so they made it a 35 quid all species which is very good value if you do happen to fish for Salmon sea troot and browns.
If course Don Salmon do seem to snap trout flees fairly regularly so it may have been accidental  :oops :oops.


Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #215 on: 25/09/2015 at 16:00 »
Its fairly obvious if you're troutfishing, and theres a regular bailliff popping down too. I just think its a ridiculous price and will fish elsewhere. If I want to fish for salmon and theres a decent chance I don't mind paying for that. 


Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #216 on: 29/09/2015 at 18:53 »
How are folks getting on in the last days of the season?

I've tried the river from 3pm- dark for the last week. Very short rise at 17:30 most nights, but I'm unable to connect. Fish very wary. I sense my fly choice is too big.

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #217 on: 29/09/2015 at 20:23 »
Been down a few times in the last couple of weeks, been the same story most days, including today.

BWO's hatching from 11am right through till dark, the fish are there but seem to feeding when the sun goes away, this includes if you can find some water in shade, then there are fish rising steadily.
Lots of 10"-12" fish that are feeding on the upwings a size 14 DHE or CDC rusty olive spider has been good enough to fool a few.

But as you say Doug, very spooky.  The bigger fish i've seen feeding have disappeared as soon as my fly goes near them, been blaming the tippet for flashing in the low angled sunlight. Bit of a challenge once you hook one as they know where the weed is and how to use it.

Plenty there to find but you need to keep your eyes peeled, we saw heaps today once you stopped for a while and focussed on the river.

Last one tomorrow, so fingers crossed there are a few more clouds :z16


Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #218 on: 29/09/2015 at 20:47 »
A nice photo of the BWO's, if anyone is in doubt as to the fish food.

Heres some nice loops i watched today, while someone messed about with my rod :roll

and the product is a nicely presented Dryfly touching down delicately after the line has straightened out, Very nice :z16

Good fun :z18


Iain Cameron

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #219 on: 30/09/2015 at 21:09 »
sniff, that's another season over... been out the last 5 or 6 days on the trot in various locations. Walked many miles, clambered through many bushes and slipped on a few rocks and weeds. Another pair of wading boots wrecked, legs sore, when I close my eyes I see foam lines and bubbles after so much time staring at them. Wouldn't have it any other way. A few miles covered, a few trout caught and released.

Today was a fine end to the season. Sunny, but sun behind me on a shady pool. Spring-like olive hatch. Trout popping away. Oh, and one big lad popped his nose up... 3.5lb of superb wild brownie, a cracking finale.

Having trouble posting pics here at the moment; pic in the gallery at ........

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #220 on: 30/09/2015 at 21:25 »

We found a few of the bigger boys today as well, hard to tempt though so very well done indeed :z14

Liam rounded his season off with a belter though, Size 16 dry and on a 3wt epic as well :z18 He did really well to keep him out of the weeds and actually get him to the net :z16

Lots of pounders today and i discovered a new fly, one that will definately be joining my box for next year :z16

So a cracking finale and a back to the vice for the next few months to plot and dream :z3


Liam Stephen

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #221 on: 30/09/2015 at 21:28 »
Well that's it for another season!

I've spent the past two days on the river. I met up with Sandy after 3pm both days, we played with various rods and caught some nice fish. 

Yesterday I spent a good bit of my day nymphing. I had loads of brownies up to 1lb and a nice Sea Trout around the 4lb mark. I got a real shock when it took and actually thought it was a Salmon for most of the fight.

Today I was out with my little Epic and Sandys's very nice 'Smallstream' bamboo.  BWOs hatched all day and the trout were looking up. I had great fun picking them off on a mixture of dries and spiders, both rods were bent. My best fish in the morning was a nice 15" that gave me the run around in the tail of a pool before running the rapids.

My best fish of the afternoon nailed my fly  just after sundown. It was a beauty of 2.75lb and  put a serious big bend in the 376! Luckily Sandy was close by with his net and scooped it up. He got some awesome shots of the fish which I'm sure he will post. A brilliant two days with some great company, cheers Sandy!


Liam Stephen

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #222 on: 30/09/2015 at 21:56 »
Had to share this great pic by Sandy  :z16


Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #223 on: 02/10/2015 at 21:05 »
A final thought to last the next few months.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....................... :z3


Mike Barrio

Re: River Don 2015
« Reply #224 on: 02/10/2015 at 21:25 »
Yes, I was having similar thoughts today Sandy ........................


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