Thanks for the Davy knot, I'll try it out. It's funny though, you say that the orvis knot looks complicated which I suppose it is, but hey, remember the first time you tried to tie your shoe laces was that not a total bar steward???
I would imagine that now you could tie your laces standing on your head whilst reciting War and Peace backwards.....
The first few times you try tying any knots they are tricky, this bit behind, this bit in front, loop it over and through...blah blah blah. After a bit of practice though, the whole thing becomes a least resistance path in a neural net, something we no longer have to consciously think about. This of course, gives us all the more time to think about how on earth we are going to catch the devious little FU......FISH! that sit just under the surface sticking two fingers up at us and ignoring all our flies!!!