The past week has seen more settled weather with only occasional rain showers accompanied by light breezes. The overall temperature however has dipped and the average air and water temperature is some 3 degrees lower than the previous week. This has resulted in the fish feeding deeper although some surface activity can still be seen. Most of the recorded catches this week have been on lures and buzzers fished lower in the water column.
A Murray, Gardenstown recorded a catch of 40 fish on Saturday using a black fritz fished on an intermediate line and with a quick return. The best recorded catches this week were; A Murray, Gardenstown, 40 fish, (black fritz), D Wood, Aberdeen, 25 fish, (WSW, blob), D Stewart, Aberdeen, 15 fish, (buzzers), M Stewart, Methlick, 12 fish, (olive bowie), W Senior, Aberdeen, 11 fish, (WSW), D Clark, Wales, 10 fish, (Cat's whiskers), I Burnett, Fraserburgh, 9 fish, (Cat's whiskers), N Thomson, Turriff, 8 fish, (buzzers).
The forecast for the coming week suggest even lower temperatures and the possibility of our first snow of the winter. This will drive the fish even deeper and lures look like the best options.
Delgatie Castle Trout Fishery is a Troutmaster water and is open seven days from 8:00am til 4:00pm (light permitting). Visitors and learners are welcome. Booking is not necessary and boats (where required) rods and tackle is available for hire at the fishery. For up to date information phone Bob on 07980 999 006.