Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Hamish Young

Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« on: 20/03/2013 at 16:53 »
As it says in in the title chaps, I'm on the look out for some kind of (decent sized) fly tyers kit bag.

It needs to be a good size as I plan on getting a third of my fly tying kit into it. Anyone who has seen the sprawling mess that is my fly tying kit will understand the significance of this comment, there is a hell of a lot of it and I need to get it into some sort of order.

this is for continued domestic bliss, but mostly as I plan on using the 'kit bag' to keep the 'essentials' in and - now and again - it would be nice to have a portable outfit of sorts..... rather than moving a room of the house with me  :wink

H :cool:

Marc Fauvet

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #1 on: 20/03/2013 at 17:29 »
hi Hamish !
i have the older Fishpond semi-hardshell tiers case. (not made anymore but still around in shops)
DON'T get it. it's crap and very expensive crap at that.


Iain Goolager

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #2 on: 20/03/2013 at 18:11 »

How generous mentioning the things not to get.

Hamish, also do not get;

An old leather suitcase
A FineFare carrier bag
An old wardrobe
A Gladstone bag
An old plastic Sunblest loaf tray
An ottoman
.etc, etc.

The best thing that I have seen is still the Orvis foldey up one, I have thought about it on many occasions but very very seldom find the need to travel with tying kit.

Interested in seeing what you end up with.

In the house I keep 70% of my kit in Wham Crystal shallow shelf boxes which hold a decent amount and I can stack the nine of these on a footprint of 24" x7".

I know that you are looking for a kit bag but I'm sure that you aren't gonna get all your stuff in one bag (at least not in an orderly manner) then a smaller transport 'pocket kit' recepticle with a home storage facility might work.

Happy huntin'



Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #3 on: 20/03/2013 at 18:44 »
As it says in in the title chaps, I'm on the look out for some kind of (decent sized) fly tyers kit bag.

Guideline Scierra (quite big, loads of room) or Airflo Outlander ( not as big, but decent), £60 and £50 respectively from Somers. Orvis one is cracking but not much room, though I suppose more than enuff for materials for what flies I actually use !


Ben Dixon

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #4 on: 20/03/2013 at 18:49 »

Why don't you ask Kev?  :z4

I think his is made by Ifor Williams and is the double axles model.

Peter McCallum

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #5 on: 20/03/2013 at 19:06 »

Why don't you ask Kev?  :z4

I think his is made by Ifor Williams and is the double axles model.

 :z4 :z4 :z4 :X2

Hamish Young

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #6 on: 20/03/2013 at 19:17 »
hi Hamish !
i have the older Fishpond semi-hardshell tiers case. (not made anymore but still around in shops)
DON'T get it. it's crap and very expensive crap at that.


Thanks Marc  :z16

Indeed, thanks everyone - some belting suggestions in there most of which I will take notice of. Honest.
Of course, my fly tying kit collection is reasonably large but I forgot that our Kevs collection is on a whole different scale or definition of large and is possibly verging on the obsessive  :shock I mean, just how much deer hair does one man need :? What does he do with it :? eat it with prunes ??? :z7

Alex Burnett

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #7 on: 20/03/2013 at 19:27 »
Depends what you mean by portable  :wink


Alex Burnett

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #8 on: 20/03/2013 at 20:05 »

If you are looking for more storage space, maybe this is more what you are looking for.



Hamish Young

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #9 on: 20/03/2013 at 22:14 »
The one in your second post Alex is very much what I would like in my 'man room' which I will build..... one day  :wink
Meanwhile, back in the real world, the first one is similar to something I used to have but which was ultimately impractical for me  :z10

So.... I'm still kit bag hunting  :wink

Euan Innes

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #10 on: 21/03/2013 at 09:48 »
Airflo do one like this,

Veniard like this,

I also have a Lowepro rucksack that has dividers that could be used for such a purpose and that would be at your favourite price  :z4
I'll email you some pics when I get home.


Alex Burnett

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #11 on: 21/03/2013 at 10:10 »

Have you thought about an Aluminium Camera Case:


Rob Brownfield

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #12 on: 21/03/2013 at 10:15 »
Depends on how much dosh you want to spend, but I would HIGHLY recommend the Nash Barrowlogix range, especially "The Cube". They are so versitile. (click on the arrows on the photo to see it unfolded)

or the Cube Compact

Both are "cube" shape so fit in boots, cupboards, corners of rooms etc, but both fold open so can be slide under beds and so on. Once laid open, you have access to zipped pockets and so on. They also clip apart so you can just take "sections" with you, so perhaps you have a salmon section, a trout section and a "tools" section...

The quality is spot on to and they will last years and years.

Allan Liddle

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #13 on: 21/03/2013 at 12:05 »
Hi Hamish

I've got my portable kit for demos and holidays in a couple of old laptop bags.  Not the greatest, but pretty handy and allows you to carry a shed load of kit.  Cheap as well generally, bet you've got one or two kicking about the house or at work?



Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #14 on: 21/03/2013 at 13:31 »
Hi Hamish,

Sorry, I should have said Scierra Destination tying bag NOT Guideline as per my post:

Holds a lot of crap ( I have a lot of crap), has zip-lok pockets and bags that are velcroed so you can pull em out, plastic tubes for threads and tinsels, overall a decent design and value at £60. The Airflo is quite a bit smaller, but still hold lots. Yes, you've guessed it, I have BOTH ! Situation is only getting worse with Wooley Bugger materials and believe me I might just be able to give Kev a run on Deer Hair/Elk Hair !


Peter McCallum

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #15 on: 24/03/2013 at 15:42 »
Looks suspiciosly like mine H really good piece of kit

Sandy Nelson

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #16 on: 24/03/2013 at 16:10 »

I've used one of these for years, its been all over the world, and the seperate Zip lock wallet thing on the inside holds enough stuff to take for a 2 week trip, fits in the corner of a suitcase and everything is locked in. I'm still using it now :z16 and it all still works perfectly :z16

Plenty similar ideas out there, but i can vouch for this from experience :z18


Hamish Young

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #17 on: 25/03/2013 at 09:23 »
Cheers Sandy - looks useful  :z16

Will make a decision next couple of days, now think I need two  :shock ...... we shall see  :z13

Kevin Muir

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #18 on: 25/03/2013 at 12:45 »
Hamish, I will not rise to any references to my deer hair mountain.

What can I say, it is all good quality, carefully selected for particular jobs as it is such a variable material.

Do I have spare patches, well yes one or two!

I have struggled with sorting out my tying materials at home and also for travelling and have now arrived at the following.

Travelling kit - take a little of everything you think you will need and place these materials in seperate clear zip lock bags, label them well and organise like materials together, say half a dozen saddle hackles of the same colour in a bag and as many bags of the hackles in the colours you think you will need in a larger bag.  It does take some time to sort it out but once completed you have a reasonably compact set up that will not induce a hernia when you try to pick it up off the floor.

I am getting there with this set up, once completed it will be a perfect bag to take to the tying club, on holiday, or working away from home.  I have settled on a Lowepro camera backpack for this, I have been using this bag for a couple of years.  I threw out the dividers that came with the bag as they were very bulky.  I am trying to sort out thinner ones.  Tamrac make similar camera backpacks, they both have internal pockets for a vice and tying tools and once you sort you gear into smaller quantities you have the perfect travelling tying bag.

I did go down the road of bagging up the materials for certain patterns / styles of flies and leaving them bagged up, loch style wets, nymphs, bugs, streamers, saltwater etc !!!  but that got out of hand (hard to believe eh!) and I have changed things a little to try to only have a travel kit of a little of most things rather than needing to trailer to carry my tying bag.

At home, I am using plastic food containers for similar material and store these in larger clear crates a bit like the ones Iain uses, I think this is the best option for home storage, safe from little flying creatures and also easy to locate when you need a particular colour of something etc.  All you have to do is print out labels to clearly show what is in each crate.

Good luck with the journey, it is a journey, I am not sure if you ever get to the final destination with this but as long as you can find what you are looking for quickly that should be good enough.  I wish I could say I have arrived at that point just now but I am still trying to rationalise things.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.  

I forgot to say, you do probably need a few more patches of deer hair, everyone does or is it just me.



Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #19 on: 25/03/2013 at 23:26 »
I forgot to say, you do probably need a few more patches of deer hair, everyone does or is it just me.

No not just you Kevin   ! :oops I justify my addiction similar to you that I need different types of 'hair' for different things -less flare, more flare, good for DHE's, Elk for Balloon Caddis etc etc You know when you have a 'problem' when you find a good 'hair' and don't tell anyone about it so the supplier always has some in stock.....for you to keep buying  :oops Seriously, I found some Elk Hair that is the absolute bollox, you could use it for anything, absolutely perfect. It then got a great review in a popular fish mag and the dealer sold out. Ar$e !

I'm off to count and fondle my Deer Hair pelts....


Rob Brownfield

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #20 on: 26/03/2013 at 07:46 »
I'm off to count and fondle my Deer Hair pelts....

We have a couple of deer pelts in the garage that some how fell off the back of some deer just before they fell into the freezer. One was a winter coat, one summer. The difference in the hair is marked with the winter pelt habing a thicker base to the hair that is hollow. This hair flares significantly better than the summer hair. I use the summer hair for small muddlers etc where I want a tight compact head.

Hamish Young

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #21 on: 26/03/2013 at 08:14 »
I forgot to say, you do probably need a few more patches of deer hair, everyone does or is it just me.

Just you Kev, I think your plan to use a patchwork of deer hair as a way to decorate your house is vaguely exotic and fraught with the temptation to use the material for fly tying.... but each to their own  :z7

We have a couple of deer pelts in the garage that some how fell off the back of some deer just before they fell into the freezer. One was a winter coat, one summer. The difference in the hair is marked with the winter pelt habing a thicker base to the hair that is hollow. This hair flares significantly better than the summer hair. I use the summer hair for small muddlers etc where I want a tight compact head.

Useful info that Rob :cool:

Alex Burnett

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #22 on: 26/03/2013 at 11:51 »

You mean like this Hamish 



Sandy Nelson

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #23 on: 26/03/2013 at 12:43 »
A Certain symmetry there Alex :z7 :z7

An organised mind :z4 :z4 Or did you take your decorating cues from your flybox with the Balloon caddis :z4


Alex Burnett

Re: Fly tyers kit bag - recommendations please
« Reply #24 on: 26/03/2013 at 14:45 »
An organised mind Sandy  :X2 :X2 :X2

Fly boxes are based on my decorating layouts  :wink

Note the similar colours & symmetry  :z7



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