Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum


Frog's Fanny Substitute
« on: 06/02/2013 at 23:36 »
Those that know me will know my preference to Frog's Fanny powder for drying of my JT Olives - it works a treat, very effective. Only problem is it is £8 a bottle and I use sh1tloads of the stuff.

Browsing one of my fav angling blogs recently the blogee had recently imported this stuff from USA:

It is apparently identical to the actual Frogs Fanny product.....but in a MASSIVE quart container !  :z16 For those that have tried Toads Tush you will know that it is not identical to FF ! The Blogee, who I respect as a knowledgeable and serious angler, is most happy with his purchase so I have ordered some of this stuff too.

I will let you know how I get on, but at £20 posted it is worth a punt. If it doesn't work as well as FF on CDC then all is not lost - I am sure I can always sell it outside some schools !  :wink (I am joking).


sean cowan

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #1 on: 07/02/2013 at 15:39 »
do u find that dries cdc, as say drying out a f fly ?

Iain Goolager

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #2 on: 07/02/2013 at 17:44 »
I find the best way to apply desiccant is as follows;

1) shake bottle vigorously for 10 - 20 seconds
2) remove lid
3) hold bottle upright in your right hand and the lid/brush in your left.
4) rotate your right hand through 180 degrees and count to five.
5) refit lid and place in a suitable receptacle

Reach for your CDC gel and begin the rest of your life.


I bought a tub thing from JT as I thought it might make me a better fisherman but it just made me a bigger twit.



Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #3 on: 07/02/2013 at 19:00 »
do u find that dries cdc, as say drying out a f fly ?

Oh, aye ! The Frogs Fanny stuff anyway. This stuff from the USA I still have to test.

Goo - you know JT ( name-dropper, pah !)


Iain Goolager

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #4 on: 07/02/2013 at 19:06 »
Yeah I know JT, he stole my emerger pattern!

regarding  the Frogs F**** or more importantly 'fishing surface CDC flies'..................... do you use the Veniards CDC gel? If not, try it, it will be a Eureka moment. If you do use it, then what you dikin about with the powder for?  :X1


Peter McCallum

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #5 on: 07/02/2013 at 19:09 »
Frankly my dears why don't you just use snowshoe hair and st  :z12uff the CDC


Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #6 on: 07/02/2013 at 20:59 »
Yeah I know JT, he stole my emerger pattern!

regarding  the Frogs F**** or more importantly 'fishing surface CDC flies'..................... do you use the Veniards CDC gel? If not, try it, it will be a Eureka moment. If you do use it, then what you dikin about with the powder for?  :X1

I'll tell him that next time I see him  :wink

Veniards oil is ok put the powder just fluffs it up the way it should be IMO - the barbules all "breath" and natural floatability. Oil Clogs period !



Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #7 on: 07/02/2013 at 21:02 »
Frankly my dears why don't you just use snowshoe hair and st  :z12uff the CDC

Can't tie a JT Olive or Shuttlecock wi that Peter !  :z7 I do use SH on for small SHE's ala Bob Wyatt, but in a reality IMO it is just not as versatile a material as CDC, despite the latter being challenging to maintain. But I am all ears  :wink



Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #8 on: 07/02/2013 at 21:28 »
...I thought it might make me a better fisherman but it just made me a bigger twit.

Naw, that surely can't be possible ?  :z4  :wink

Seriously, the oil clogs. It is oil and it clogs feathers. Sea Birds after an oil spill are clogged in oil and can't fly because their feathers are all oil ! Makes their feathers nice and waterproof though.

I have used the oil in miniscule amounts on new flies, and yes they float - afterall a ducks preen gland produces oil to waterproof the feathers. But after a fish they slime up and even after drying they are matted and don't puff and fluff up the way the powder does for me - might be the CDC I use, dunno. When my CDC flies are 'puffy' their efficacy is higher. I know I am in a minority on here, but it works for me (that and that you's are all wrong !  :z7)

Plus, the FF gives a better buzz than MCat when those days waiting for rising fish are a bit slow  :z4

Getting ma coat  :z2


Iain Goolager

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #9 on: 07/02/2013 at 21:28 »
Lindersfarne, I said Gel not Oil  :X1

Uninterested in the micro barbules of trapped air sciency junk - apply a light coat of gel and you will not need to apply any more during the couse of the outing, irrespective of the number of fish it catches (unless it gets mangled obviously).

It is the sole reason I love CDC.

Iain Vernard Cribbins


Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #10 on: 07/02/2013 at 21:35 »
Lindersfarne, I said Gel not Oil  :X1

Uninterested in the micro barbules of trapped air sciency junk - apply a light coat of gel and you will not need to apply any more during the couse of the outing, irrespective of the number of fish it catches (unless it gets mangled obviously).

It is the sole reason I love CDC.

Iain Vernard Cribbins

Got the Veniards Gel (by mistake), even worse IMO, but I do use it on my tying thread !  :z16.

I like 'puffy' CDC winged flies, the floatabity is not the absolute issue for me - if it is puffy and dry, it floats !

Linley Crinkleberry.

Iain Goolager

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #11 on: 07/02/2013 at 21:49 »
Linzay du paul,  I agree that the CDC quality makes a difference and I have to say that Lucians' stuff is exceptional, I use it for all surface patterns.

I have written this before on some thread or other but for what it is worth here's my story;

Use good CDC
Apply a light coating of gel to the CDC (try and use clean fingers and ensure you do not have residue of fullers earth mix on them - I apply gel/floatant with my left and sinkant with my right hand throughout the day)
If you have to treat the fly for any reason e.g. sunk due to snagging weed or reeds, lost fish, whatever  then I would dab the CDC on the jumper/ trousers blow the CC and press and primp it until it is fluffy, very easy.
The same for after you catch a fish. I used to wash the slime off of the fly and take a bit more primping time, paper towel in the pooch but it is not neccessary.

I wouldn't claim this to be true if I hadn't a fair experience of this working and last season I used this method many many times on fish caught flies. Try it.

I gave up fishing CDC flies seasons ago because they wouldn't float for more than two or three drifts depending on the flow, they would always sink when the cast was true and it was nigh on impossible to revitalise them after catching a fish, the gel has blown all that fannying about out of the water.


Iain Goolager

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #12 on: 07/02/2013 at 21:52 »

something aint right here. Are you tying your JT olives on mustad 4/0's?

No doubt our paths will cross early season so I can show you this in action.



Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #13 on: 07/02/2013 at 22:00 »
something aint right here. Are you tying your JT olives on mustad 4/0's?

Nope, TMC103BL's at 17 and 19 also Grip BL11011 at 18 and 20 (in summer). As I said, not a problem with the floatability of the flies with Oil (or Gel) just that the posture/giss/look/feel yada yada is not right for me. They matt.They sometimes lie on their side.

One thing I noticed with my FF'd JT's last season when it was windy they skitted on the surface like the real insects. And fish took them.

Can't argue with your prowess with the troots but I'll be sticking with the pooder, it's ma mojo !

Lester Cudgebucket

Ben Dixon

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #14 on: 07/02/2013 at 23:40 »
I use the oil and really rate it. Decent CDC is a must and oil at the vice.

Too much is BAD, a very small amount a while before fishing is good!  I use Orvis Shake & float for CDC once it's had a fish, stick it in the pot & shake then the fly floats fine again.  There may be better methods out there and I've not tried the gel but the above works for me.




Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #15 on: 08/02/2013 at 00:25 »
I agree that the CDC quality makes a difference and I have to say that Lucians' stuff is exceptional, I use it for all surface

Fae Lucian's site on his top grade duck bum:

"Top Grade CDC feathers in natural colors is our best selling product, very much appreciated by all fly tiers.
CDC known also as Cul de Canard are collected around the oil gland of the duck ( wild or domestic bird ). It does not mean that oily aspect is the main factor of floatability.The first reason these feathers float, is their special structure, the multitude of fibers and ramifications.You don't need chemical substances to improve floatability – the best you can do is to dry the CDC fly with an AMADOU patch."

Bearing in mind that Frogs Fanny dries the fly......"The Defence Rests Mullurd" (or should that be Mallard ?)

Rt Hon QC Lord Lafferty Chumley

PS his CDC does look good. I use JT's and yes it has made me a bigger twit.

Noel Kelly

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #16 on: 08/02/2013 at 06:26 »
Right what the hell does Lucian know. Just use the oil .....shakes fist at screen :mad :z4


Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #17 on: 08/02/2013 at 12:25 »
Just use the oil .....shakes fist at screen :mad :z4

Never ! You'd have to kill me and prise the bottle of Frogs Fanny from my dying hands  :wink As a great man once said: " we will fight them at sea, and on the beaches and in the fields....we will never surrender......our Frogs Fanny"

Again, the Tefal bit, oil CLOGS feather fibres ! But sure, your fly will definitely float.  :z6

Linderbert Cotchaout

Iain Goolager

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #18 on: 08/02/2013 at 15:40 »

It's been a long close season. I forgot to mention that I dry my wet or slimey tyings with my amadou patch prior to primping and patting with the fingers.
BUT that is neither here nor there with regard to the gel stuff.

I will agree to differ with JT, Lucian, Lindsey la fountain, et alan.

I'm happy and it works AND 1 small bottle of gel is still very much full after  ??? a season and a half? longer?



Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #19 on: 08/02/2013 at 16:48 »
Just shows you, I bought the Gel (thinking it was the oil) and found I couldn't use it. The oil I could use, in imperceptible amounts, but I don't like it. But then what do I know ? Only that my CDC Olives are deadly  :z16


Iain Goolager

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #20 on: 08/02/2013 at 17:38 »
Only that my CDC Olives are deadly

yeah when the trout actually want cripples an' you think you are supplying yachts!  :z7  :X2


Alex Burnett

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #21 on: 09/02/2013 at 07:14 »
There is no substitute for the real thing.



Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #22 on: 09/02/2013 at 12:51 »
There is no substitute for the real thing.

You micht well be right there Alex, but we'll see whit this other stuff is like. I will report back !


Iain Goolager

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #23 on: 09/02/2013 at 14:28 »

Alex Burnett

Re: Frog's Fanny Substitute
« Reply #24 on: 09/02/2013 at 14:36 »
 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4


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