Smaller seperate organisations will remain just that and only benefit few where as working together have a bigger voice,bigger funding more know about it and it can get bigger.
Totally agreed. I used to be on the committee for a national Pike angling organisation, in fact, it is still the biggest single species club in Scotland, but even that was to small to make a real impact.
Slightly off subject, but hopefully I will make the point, I am on the committee for a UK charity that looks after servicemen, service women and their dependents. The organisation just celebrated its 125th birthday, so you could say they are well established, but we were little known, even within the military. Perhaps a little like SANA?
We have experienced a significant dip in donations in the last 5-7 years because there are many smaller charities poping up left right and centre. Many of these charities are repeating the services offerred by ourselves, but on a smaller scale. They are also presenting a confusing message to the public, and some have even suggested they are milking the public for their own gain.
We recently went through a huge change and teamed up with the Royal British Legion, Help for Heros, BLESMA and Combat Stress, the major players, and formed one united body who can offer ALL services, but with better backing, better exposure, and a better service. It also meant that we could see how other large organisations handled certain things, and we learnt a lot, and visa versa. We now have a stronger organisation with one hell of a lot of clout and respect.
I see the same format being required for angling in Scotland.