Hi Matt,
For "indicator" Klinks, go longer than you would on the hackle and add an extra turn. Tie in the post however suits, I do as Lindsay does. Make some touching turns up the post and back down again before you tie in the hackle to stiffen it up a bit, this makes winding the hackle under high tension (essential if you want the flyy to last) much easier. Bind stem to post from bottom to top and wind hackle from top to bottom. I finish under the post with two half hitches and put a drop of vanrish on the thread before pulling tight under the hackle with a dubbing needle. If you can get hold of some, the best feathers IMO are Whiting genetic saddles and without doubt, for floatability, Tiemco Aero Dry Wing is the stuff you want. I like a strand of white & a strand of pink or orange.
In terms of hackle up or down, with the above it is not an issue.