I wonder how Lyndsay got on with the 4wt
Rod Christened !
Despite really pants casting on my part mainly by not being used to the new Access 4wt (and despite all Ben's and Kev's great tips), as well as quite difficult casting with wind and high banks, I had one of my best nights on the Don in quality if not quantity. Had 2 at a pound, one at 2 pounds, and one at 3 pounds as well as losing the best fish of the night (had him on 5 minutes and had nearly played him out but didn't deserve him as the cast he accepted was one of my crumple, fall from the sky jobs !). Hook came out. Had I been able to get rid of the fault Kev identified I honestly could have been in to double figures !
What I learned; the new Access is much better at 'controlling' larger fish, I could boss them and put pressure on, hold them and 'guide' them. It was also great with the wee pounders. With the Streamflex I'd have been shouting for my mammy particularly the one I lost. It will be much more versatile.....when I learn to cast it properly ! Which leads me to.....I seem to get tactics right, flies etc, read the water and what fish are feeding on pretty good so the single thing that is going to improve my catch rate is without doubt better casting and presentation. I need lessons and I need to get better. Lastly, Tiemco 212Y's absolutely Rock. Way more solid than the Varivas 2200BL's. Cheers Goolager for the heads up on them.
Ben, despite whipping the Mallard about reasonably (eventually) for me on grass I possibly need a line that loads the Access quicker (at shorter range), as well as the casting lessons ! Thinking about the SLX.....in ORANGE ! Will try the GT90 tonight as that loaded quick on a 10' SF2.
First Fish on New Rod Nice Pounder:
Last fish 11.30pm just Shy of 3 Pounds in MacNet:
All fish weighed in "large" Folding Macleans net (except the pounders). Would recommend a MacLean weigh net to avoid being accused of 'stringing' your weights/fish sizes. All in superb condition and returned alive.