Fished Tornasheen and Candacraig/Edinglassie today. Wow..what amazing water! A total of 10.5 miles to explore, just Sean and myself....and it rained, it hailed, is shone and boy did it blow. I had one pull on a swung March Brown and Sean had a few small fish on wets.
We did get a bit of a rise around 3pm, but the fish were small and holding in slack on the other side of a very fast run, into a head wind. So, they went unmolested!
Got the tickets from Skellatar house (i can't help think of a 1980's cartoon!) and was met by a nice couple who went through the beat maps with us, pointed out where to park and wished us well.
Some of the pools were amazing. Absolute classic, linked together with fast runs, stoney riffles, one minute open fields, the next in forest.
If we could have had better weather I am sure we woud ahve caught more.