Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum


Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #125 on: 19/05/2011 at 13:50 »
I found a rod bag yesterday on the Inverurie beat by the SEPA monitoring station. If the owner can let me know, I can arrange to return it.

Richard Tong

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #126 on: 19/05/2011 at 17:54 »
RE:Yellow upwings seen;they may be Yellow Evening Duns (3 tails) or Yellow May Duns (2 tails and blue eyes). Would be interested to know which they are-perhaps you are seeing both!


Ben Dixon

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #127 on: 19/05/2011 at 23:22 »
Definitely Yellow Mays on the go, I have seen them.  Micro Caddis are on about too but conditions have not been right for evening (or any) fishing this past few days.



Noel Kelly

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #128 on: 20/05/2011 at 07:33 »
There was a small window last night where conditions were perfect. Wind dropped, temps rose a degree or 2 and at last I was in the right place! There was a spinner fall for a out 20 mins and a sedge hatch at the same time. The pool I was on came to life and they were happy to take a skated dry or one drifting with the current. Had about half a dozen in quick succession including one just under 2lbs  :grin Good to finally get a good bend in the rod. Will stick up a poor pic later. Also saw another decent fish rise but I must have spooked it.

Poor pic added as promised

Richard Tong

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #129 on: 20/05/2011 at 08:13 »

I suspect that the microcaddis are the same as we have seen this time every year and suspected microcaddis-small dark grey sedge. We got samples and sent them to Stuart Crofts and they are too large for microcaddis;tehy are in fact Agapetus and there is a good article in June '08 FF & FT from Stuart with a pattern for fishing the evening hatch of these. It is on a size 20 so should be fun for those big trout that you boys get up there. Would be interested to know of any success you have with this. I have some tied up but have not had the opportunity to use them yet,


Ben Dixon

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #130 on: 20/05/2011 at 12:03 »
Hi Richard,

The are A. Fuscipes so no, they are not true micro caddis, I am fairly confident that I have the ident. correct on these.  I have had exceptional sport on them but conditions have to be right, not sure the pattern is of huge importantance so long as it is small enough and not a spinner pattern.  I've done very well with tiny Kilnks and elk hair caddis type patterns tied short on bigger hooks than a 20, hook up rate is better that way for me.

I'd be interested in a pic of what you caught and some info about where you caught it, there are defintely smaller caddis than these emerging at this time of the year too and for the sake of interest I would like to know what they are.  Smaller than the above and paler in colour, also only 3 - 4mm long.  Several species of hydroptila occur in the UK and I'm convinced these smaller flies are of that species.




I suspect that the microcaddis are the same as we have seen this time every year and suspected microcaddis-small dark grey sedge. We got samples and sent them to Stuart Crofts and they are too large for microcaddis;tehy are in fact Agapetus and there is a good article in June '08 FF & FT from Stuart with a pattern for fishing the evening hatch of these. It is on a size 20 so should be fun for those big trout that you boys get up there. Would be interested to know of any success you have with this. I have some tied up but have not had the opportunity to use them yet,


Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #131 on: 20/05/2011 at 12:13 »
What about the ones that are 4-5mm long with black (or at least dark) wings? These were in abundance earlier in the week on the lower Don.

I have one in a jar still to be photographed, so I'll post it if it doesn't decide to b****r off like most of the Sedges I've tried to portrait.  :mad


Ben Dixon

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #132 on: 20/05/2011 at 15:53 »
What about the ones that are 4-5mm long with black (or at least dark) wings? These were in abundance earlier in the week on the lower Don.

Agapetus Fuscipes probably Iain (also known as the cream do-finger ya' fat bas78%d caddis), these are what I am hoping to catch a hatch of in the very near future.  Did you get any sport on them when you saw them on the lower river?



Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #133 on: 20/05/2011 at 17:46 »
Sorry for the poor pictures, studio conditions with a corpse for a subject but still can't get artificial light to work for me.

I didn't have owt with me that small but there were plenty olives to imitate badly. The way things are looking, by the time I tie some up and get out again it'll be all over bar the shouting.

Health Kick Boy

Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #134 on: 20/05/2011 at 17:50 »
Oh! In life these critters have their wings in the 'roof wing' position at rest and they appear quite black.


Sorry Noel, well done on the 2lb trout.  :z16

Ben Dixon

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #135 on: 20/05/2011 at 19:09 »
Nice fish Noel,

Good to see someone is getting some sport, you deserve a few nice fish, I notice you've ben putting in the hours.


Do a google search on killing jar.



Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #136 on: 20/05/2011 at 22:55 »
Nice 'Don Blue' Broonie Noel :z16

I've always loved the colour of the Don trout, especially on the lower reaches.



Noel Kelly

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #137 on: 21/05/2011 at 07:18 »
Thanks lads sorry about to pants pic. It gave a great account of itself, and lots of acrobatics.


Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #138 on: 23/05/2011 at 16:50 »
Hi guys, just returned from a VERY long weekend on the Don from Thur-Sun, some great fund and in celebration of a good friends 50th birthday.
In some exalted company in the form of some senior figures from the Scottish International Rivers scene, including some managers, and captains, in the form of; Matt Walker, John McCallum, Robert Irvine and the birthday boy Paul Buchanan.
Now these guys are no thrashers with a rod, but the lovely Don was reluctant to give up one of its prize specimens to us southerners?
Enjoyable, you bet, hard - nightmare at times with the winds, bright sunlight, lowish water and too much drink  :z18
We will be back however, as we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and although some sport on short rods was had (2 Salmon, nearly landed, one lost when tailed, the trout net's too wee  :z10  and one snapped a 3lb tapered leader at the net, my wee pan net -  :oops
Lots of small fish, anywhere from 6 - 12" were common and although i had lots of small offerings, I did manage one fish to 12" below the weir at Forbes and further down got a double on the czech nymphs, photos uploaded.
Excellent food and lodgings at the Glenkindie Arms Hotel, the chef Ian Simpson is superb and the rooms very smart indeed, look inside this books cover if you get that far upstream, very nice hostelry indeed. Menu to die for!
Some of the team fished on the Sunday at Semeil and i'll update that with some other photo's when i get them.
Excellent water and you should be rightly proud of this venue.

Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #139 on: 26/05/2011 at 07:58 »
No wind and stretching evenings had me down at the river last night.  :z16

Fly life increased as the evening wore on.....why aren't Alders Trichoptera?? spinners, midge, sedge, crane, smuts ...lots on the go  :z16

CDC sandfly sedge pulled a nice 1lb fish to the net soon after entering the water. Half a dozen casts (20min's) later a nice 1 1/2 - 1 3/4lb brownie was in the net but escaped from my mit as I fumbled with the camera :oops

Fading light and poor eyesight had me changing the fly for a larger CDC/aerowing emerging sedge pattern just as there was a couple of successive rises from what appeared to be a larger fish (small rise forms), two unfruitful casts into the cross currents had my annoyance glands on full alert but the third cast had the fly floating over him very nicely..........bang, fish on, out of the water he flew, 3lb if an ounce. Sadly the fly and him parted company on the second jump and I stuck my thumb in my mouth and rocked back and forth. :z19

Content with the fishing and aware of ever fading light I decided to head upriver and see how me old mucker was getting on. I was halted in my tracks by a reasonable sploosh down downstream and hastily manouvered myself downstream of him. Three very hasty searching casts as I approached him and I was in position. Second cast saw the fly about a yard upstream of him but just as I was preparing for the money shot he took in a massive boil. nanoseconds later the rod was bent double as I tightened into the fish..........wait a minute, has it wrapped itself around an underwater obstruction? I tightened , slackened, movement at all  :z6 Bu***r fish off, boulder on.

Ah well! twas an eventful evening - much more to come  :z16


Jim Eddie

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #140 on: 26/05/2011 at 08:12 »
Sounds like an interesting evening Iain , good to see you are getting out  :z16



Noel Kelly

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #141 on: 26/05/2011 at 10:35 »
Well done Iain. I didn't have any action worth reporting. Seen 2 teenagers spinning the private beat opposite and that was enough to make me call it a night. They hid their rod as I approached :roll where have all these chancers  come from this year? I hardly ever met any in past years.

Ben Dixon

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #142 on: 26/05/2011 at 12:10 »
Saw your motors parked up, was going to fish last night myself but simply too knackered so went & tied some more for my Assynt trip.  Thought it could have been a good night, hoping to get a few hours in later on.  Any sign of any caddis?

If you see anything, give Martin a buzz.  Only way it will stop is to get a few of them knicked and word will get round



Richard Tong

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #143 on: 27/05/2011 at 07:42 »
After what has been the worst Spring fishing on Don since I have fished starting in 2004 it looks like you finally have a bit of rain there and the river is up a couple of inches. Hope you guys land some big ones in the next few days (wind allowing which looks strong over the weekend). There's now too much of the wet stuff on Eden and other border rivers and with 25mph winds forecast Saturday it looks like I may be at home watching the Man Utd v Barcelona game


Noel Kelly

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #144 on: 31/05/2011 at 07:08 »
Was watching the weather last night and between the torrential downpours it was quiet warm with not a puff of wind so at about 8.30 I headed to the river. The pools were flat calm for a change and the trout were rising everywhere. I couldn't see anything on the surface so tried a small spinner pattern which worked quiet well. Landed a few small trout and covered one at maximum distance which took instantly, leaped high and threw the hook. That one was about 1.5lbs.
Worked my way up to a favourite pool where I noticed a few olives coming down and over the next hour this turned into the biggest hatch of olives I have seen this year.
I have seen a large trout feeding at the head of this pool in the past so instead of trying for the small/average risers I got into position and waited to see if this hatch would bring the big un up. It did.
This was a big fish... Checked leader and knots and covered it. It took instantly and shot like a missile back past me and into the deepest part of the pool. It had stripped all my line and a few yards off the reel in a second. Felt it's head shake once or twice and then the line went slack... It had opened the hook. Biggest trout I have hooked on the river I think. Then again it stayed deep so I can't be sure. To be continued...

Peter McCallum

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #145 on: 31/05/2011 at 08:58 »
 :cry :cry :cry

Ewan Lindsay

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #146 on: 31/05/2011 at 09:11 »
 :z19  :mad

Matt Henderson

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #147 on: 31/05/2011 at 09:35 »
You must feel sick Noel!  Always next time!

Jim Eddie

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #148 on: 31/05/2011 at 09:51 »
Bummer Noel  :cry



Noel Kelly

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #149 on: 31/05/2011 at 10:22 »
Think we all know that kinda sick feeling when the line goes slack. I wasn't 2 disappointed, was good to make contact. Now I know where it lives so I will prob set up a semi permanent camp at that pool :z4


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