The staff are feeling that they have broken more ice than a Polar expedition but have managed to keep the fishing open and allowed reasonable returns considering the low water temperatures. The best recorded catches for the week were;
S Faithful Mintlaw 25 fish
R Donald Macduff 18 fish
L Davidson Macduff 12 fish
J Keir Macduff 10 fish
B Milne Whitehills 6 fish up to 6lbs
All recorded fish for the week fell to lures, with pink being the favourite colour, but it is surprising how high in the water some anglers made contact whilst others were dredging the bottom. It is encouraging to see so many junior anglers enjoying their fishing although at times embarrassing for father who has come along to teach and found themselves on the losing side.
Our Troutmaster 2011 competition is now open and entry forms are available at the fishery.
Boats, rods and all tackle are available to hire and beginners are welcome. For all information phone Bob on 07980 999 006.