Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum


Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« on: 05/07/2010 at 09:47 »

My friend and I were fishing Haddo's for the first time this weekend (caught myself a lovely 8lbs Rainbow) and the weather was nice and fine, then all of a sudden, it was a thunder storm. Rain drops the size of 1p coins were dropping, and crackling thunder and lightening. I believe the lightening wasn't that far away either!!

I've heard all the wife's tails about fishing in a thunderstorm and we decided to call it a day. I never knew i could row a boat so quickly!!!

So this brings me to the question - What's your scariest, or worst experience fishing? I certainly know what mines is :)


Barry Robertson

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #1 on: 05/07/2010 at 12:59 »
I was on lintrathen on sunday in the same weather!
Trying to get back to the boathouse in a thunder storm and massive waves was great fun!
Driving the petrol motor and trying to baill the boat out at the same time was not so fun  :z6
Was an adventure thats for sure  :z4

Mike Barrio

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #2 on: 05/07/2010 at 14:32 »
Yes, that was some storm, the crack as lightning hit something in behind the trees was awesome! :shock

Weather had been great before that too :z6


Rob Brownfield

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #3 on: 05/07/2010 at 15:08 »
Two come to mind.

Being knocked off my feet by a full grown adult seal was rather scary. Happened in the Don estury whilst fishing for sea trout. Saw a huge bow wave heading up river towards me in the half light of an evening, it popped its head up not more than 3 feet from me, sort of barked/coughed, turned and shot off. The swirl it made pulled my feet from under me and I ended up bobbing down the river towards the sea.

Getting caught in a big storm on Loch Leven and having the engine swamped on the run for cover. Ended up without power, on my own, getting dashed against the rocks ot the North of the harbour. I ended up jumping out and sitting on the bank waiting for the wind to die down so I could be "rescued".


Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #4 on: 05/07/2010 at 18:30 »
My scariest moment was swff on the west coast. I was fishing off the end of a pier and didn't notice a block of the pier was missing. I proceeded to fall off the pier on to an iron construct which was under the water. I had a massive gash in my right leg and the tide was running but thankfully my dad was on hand with the life preserver and rope and pulled me to the shore. My leg was so frikin sore i could hardly swim.  :shock thanks dad  :z16


Irvine Ross

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #5 on: 05/07/2010 at 21:40 »
Mine was when my missus almost found the receipt for the last blank I bought  :grin


Mike Barrio

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #6 on: 05/07/2010 at 22:54 »
Mine was wading in fast water on the Don in Inverurie late in the evening many moons ago, I was facing downstream when I was suddenly "rugby tackled" from behind and my feet were taken from under me ....... and then I was in :shock

So what had happened? ...... One of those heavy duty plastic bags that farmers use was being swept downstream and took me with it :z4


Iain Goolager

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #7 on: 06/07/2010 at 00:31 »
I've had similar experiences fishing through the night for Sea-Trout when a branch or log floating downstream hits you from behind ......................very scary!
I hope that's my waders that are leaking! :oops

Graham Strachan

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #8 on: 07/07/2010 at 14:58 »
I was fishing the Bervie at Arbuthnott when I was young, it was pitch black and I was walking past a forest of japanese knot weed when something suddenly started crashing about in it. Well my first thought was to launch the biggest boulder I could straight into the darkness to try and annihilate the Thing. Well I`m not sure who was more scared, me or my Dad (The Thing) who had come down to see how i was getting on and was less than chuffed when my boulder whistled past his lug!

Iain Cameron

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #9 on: 11/07/2010 at 17:08 »
i think yesterday's close encounter with a sea lamprey would make my top 10...

in river Don, shallow-ish, 12-18inches water, peered at what looked like a large stick, only to notice twitching dorsal fins.
horrible looking creature, ugh, about 3 feet long, and thick to match, big head attached to a stone...
I'd never seen one up close. have a look at

to get an idea.

David Norwich

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #10 on: 15/07/2010 at 10:38 »
For sheer primal fear it would have to be fishing a Mangrove lined lagoon in Tampa Bay Florida one evening.....

We had been watching the Alligators as we drove along lying beside the roadside ditches. My wife read out a story in the paper of a woman who had stopped to have a look at them and had lost an arm.

I left the family at the motel and drove to the lagoon. It was dusk and the sun was just setting as I got to the lagoon. I set up my fly rod, waded in... and promptly stood on a semi submerged log........

David.  ;D


Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #11 on: 15/07/2010 at 19:30 »
My worst one was fishing in Nigeria when i was about 15, trolling down the scabby creek for barras and snappa when a rod screamed off, grabbed it and thought i had a fish of a lifetime. After the initial shock i realised whatever it was it wanst a fish but very heavy and was really struggling, something broke the surface and everyone in the boat went very quiet and thought a dead body was gonna join the fishing trip. sweat and hard work finally managed a large hessian tattie sack! I was very relieved to say the least!!


Matt Henderson

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #12 on: 15/07/2010 at 20:33 »
Catching nothing.

It happens every time I go chasing salmonoids!

Simon Bruce

Re: Your worst/scariest fishing experience...
« Reply #13 on: 16/07/2010 at 02:40 »
Getting knocked of my feet by a dead sheep in deep water. Not the best thing too do when you have on chest waders on thanks too my fishing friend at the time for getting me out of the water. :z16


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