Goval burn at Dyce for sure,the RDT have counted redds there, more research is needed but if the Dee is anything go by any suitable habitat will be used, even if just above the tide. The lowest i know of is dyce but it is probably far lower, research is starting at the top and working down, with particular interest in the burns. The findings to date are surprising, and we are finding new details about the fish movements all the time. It is stunning how much of the Don is closed off to fish movements, and probably amounts to many hundreds km of useful habitat.
Jamie, the RDT' biologist's annual report and RDT minutes now available to all friends of the RDT. if you are interested in the workings of the Don, the RDT will be posting all minutes and a regular Biologist report to all friends on a regular basis. I have just reviewed both tonight so the friends will probably get them tomorrow
Friends will be able to access all RDT details by a regular email update, and via email or personal meeting by arrangement at any time.
Whilst we strive to have a web shop of our own our charitable status means we have to obtain best value and to date the ADAA is helping us to achieve this. We hope to be self sufficient in 2010