Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum


New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #25 on: 11/01/2007 at 18:28 »
Thought the programme was pretty good and like jay said maybe more info on setting up ur leader and cast would be good but all in all for the first episode it was better than i expected with Mr hancock presenting and it will probably get better as it goes along.Plus now its on council telly i can watch it upstairs and the wife not pee'd off with me hogging the Sky.Rob said he was not sure he liked the presenter so who would he have picked?I quite liked Botham when he did Botham on the fly on discovery channel,what is everyone elses thoughts on a presenter then?

Jim Eddie

« Reply #26 on: 11/01/2007 at 19:34 »
Thought Nick Hanncock did OK , he was not as annoyong as i thought he might be.



Hamish Young

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #27 on: 12/01/2007 at 08:12 »
It got off to an "OK" start IMHO - looking forward to the next episode. I like the fact that it was filmed in the highlands and not somewhere more manicured or a specimen pond somewhere in darkest England-shire  :z3
This bodes well for future episodes  :cool:


New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #28 on: 13/01/2007 at 14:46 »
Thought they did well and the enthusiasm was spot on. :grin:

Rob Brownfield

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #29 on: 14/01/2007 at 20:58 »
Quote from: "spiros"
Rob said he was not sure he liked the presenter so who would he have picked?

Melinda doubt about

Seriously..I like Nick Hancock, but I just felt he was a bit too bullish. If he was a first class fly fisher, then fair enough..but he is not any better..and in some cases worse than many of the folk on this website.

To talk authoritatively on a subject you really need to be pretty knowledgable (imo that is  :grin: ) someone like Charles Jardine, Peter Cockwill, even Bob Church maybe..orrr..since it was fishing in the Highlands..Bruce Sandison... :shock:

Still..did a better job that I ever could have :)

Mike Barrio

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #30 on: 16/01/2007 at 18:08 »
Don't forget ( like I usually do ) it is on the telly again on STV at 7.30 tonight  :z16

Best wishes

Sandy Nelson

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #31 on: 16/01/2007 at 20:02 »
Much better.

I really enjoyed this one.And they remembered the specs (most of the time)

Sandy :grin:

Jim Eddie

« Reply #32 on: 16/01/2007 at 20:02 »
Saw this post to late, missed it. was it any good ?



Mike Barrio

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #33 on: 16/01/2007 at 20:27 »
Yes, I enjoyed it too, a bit like going along the learning curve with the anglers ......... great stuff  :cool:


Jay Scott

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #34 on: 16/01/2007 at 21:00 »
Very good show, but it seemed to pass so quickly  :sad: , overall very well done this week, and they also showed you how to do a dropper, very handy.



New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #35 on: 16/01/2007 at 22:01 »
Yep, I enjoyed it too.  I'm especially looking forward to next week when they're on the river.

Ian Brown

Great program
« Reply #36 on: 17/01/2007 at 07:50 »
I think this is one of the best programs so far - 400% better than trout and about . I am looking forward to the rest of the series the trainees are doing well I just wish they would try different flys when they are not catching instead of perservering with the same one but I am sure they will twig it in the end.
         The program seems too short simply because it is interesting and the scenery and solitude is stunning it is a refreshing change.



Barry Robertson

Why cant it be on for an hour
« Reply #37 on: 17/01/2007 at 09:11 »
Enjoying the show but still cant get my head round why they had to choose  Nick to do the show. Might of been more enjoyable if the presenter was a decent fisher and had some tricks we could learn from him.

Iam offshore just now so iam allowed a moan  :grin:

King Monkey

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #38 on: 17/01/2007 at 13:32 »
Ach,missed it. :z6

Shame it's not repeated.

Is it?

Irvine Ross

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #39 on: 17/01/2007 at 17:46 »

"Always wet your hands before handling a live fish that's to be retuned" says the ghillie in one boat, quite rightly.
Ten seconds later the ghillie in the other boat unhooks a trout and hands it to the angler who has not wet his hands.
The ghillies wear self inflating life jackets in the boats, the anglers wear none. And they are fishing catch and release but, by the look of the time it takes to unhook a fish, they have not flattened the barb.
Bit of inconsistency there. Hope it gets better.



New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #40 on: 17/01/2007 at 18:46 »
Missed the first program but managed to catch last nights one. Certainly double standards with the handling of the fish! Still it's better than trout and about!!!!

Sandy Nelson

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #41 on: 17/01/2007 at 20:27 »

I thought it was the ghillies who weren't wearing life jackets (no specs either).
I would have thought the "stars" would have to for insurance purposes.

Still it wasn't bad


Mike Barrio

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #42 on: 18/01/2007 at 09:00 »
I think the programme is great fun, it's a bit like going along with these folk on their adventure. I find this far more interesting to watch than a "how to" or a "trophy location" type set up.  :cool:

Best wishes
Mike Barrio


New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #43 on: 18/01/2007 at 09:09 »
Hi everyone i'm glad your enjoying the show :grin:  and there is plenty more to come i have posted a link here for people who didn't get to see tues programme..

just copy and paste


Mike Barrio

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #44 on: 18/01/2007 at 09:38 »
Oh, you are "the Wendy"! .......... GREAT to have you visiting the forum.

I am really enjoying the show, you are coming across as being very very keen, which is just magic to watch, well done!

Thanks for the link, I'm sure the members will appreciate it and if you would like to add any further links throughout the series, please do.

Best wishes
Mike Barrio


New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #45 on: 18/01/2007 at 09:51 »
yes i am "the wendy"  :oops:

and yes i'll post the links of the show as i get them you'll laugh at me through the programme  :lol:

Yes i am a very keen angler i am passionate about my fishing i normally course fish so this was all very new to me  :oops:

Sandy Nelson

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #46 on: 18/01/2007 at 10:04 »
HI Wendy

Welcome to the forum, have to agree with Mike.
Bar one or two small points the programme is most enjoyable.
I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your adventure. :z16

Great link too.I didn't realise they had done that.Cool.


the water buoys

new fishing programe for tv
« Reply #47 on: 18/01/2007 at 13:57 »
Hi wendy welcome to the forum,really enjoying the show takes me back when i was learning my son andrew. Now he loves the sport. :grin:

                   Henry and andrew thewaterbouys :lol:

Peter McCallum

New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #48 on: 18/01/2007 at 18:41 »
Bet you don't get too much scenery like that coarse fishing Wendy. Your keenness is obvious from the show so far :wink:


New fishing programme for TV
« Reply #49 on: 18/01/2007 at 20:15 »
welcome to the forum wendy.
looks like u enjoyed scotland :z15
hope u keep the flyfishing up and come back sometime.


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