Something I mentioned in another thread prompted me to put this thread up
For many years now I have been a believer in "Moonstrike". In its very basic form, it relates the state of the moon phase to the likelyhood of big fish being caught.
To put this into context, the moon affects many things in the world, infact, everything, from the very obvious, such as the tides and the spawning of fish, corals and molluscs, to the hidden such as seedlings will germinate and grow stronger at certain phases. It can even affect humans and there behaviour...with not only the word Lunatic being associated with mad behaviour round a full moon but also crime figures tend to peak around a full moon.
Anyway, back to the fish
I first came across the idea in the old Abu catalogues of the 70's which always had a chart in the front showing the "best days to catch". At the time I did not realise this was due to the moon. Around 10 years ago I was reading a Muskie book (Muskies are a relation to the Pike, but bigger) and the idea of Moon Triggers came up again, with charts showing the authors captures of large fish against small fish, with a definate relationship between big fish and the moon.
Recently there has been some work done on this in the UK coarse fishing circles. (Its a horrible website by the way!!)
Now, basically, at certain phases, BIG fish feed in ernest. Its not to say they do not feed at other times, but they are much more active and likely to take a bait. At the same time, smaller fish seem to switch off. Could it be because the bigger fish push the smaller fish off the feed? Anyway, when you look at the Britsh Record fish list, some 85% of record fish have fallen on a "good" moon day. The others a day or so either side. None have fallen on a "bad period".
Anyone have any views on this?