Thought I'd group all of 'my' best products I've used (but not neccessarily owned) in 2008 together:
Fly line.
Rio Spey AFS shooting heads. Simply a revelation, simply the most effortless way to cast distance with a salmon rod, I'm a convert
On the open market: Orvis Helios 9.5ft #6wt. Probably the most competent all round rod I've ever picked up, but
all the Helios range are mighty.
Custom: Sandy produced the goods once again with my Winston BIIX 9ft #5wt which is sublime
Tricky. It's well known I like quality reels - or toys as I call them. Whilst the Lamson Velocity 4 runs it close, the 'prize' goes to another Orvis product the Mach VI large arbour salmon reel (shame it's discontinued).
Leader material.
I'm still a fan of Riverge Grand Max, but the froghair stuff will be my material of choice for trout on rivers in '09.
Fly tying vice.
No prizes for guessing that it will be the Marc Petitjean 'Swiss Vice" Master edition, an awesome piece of kit.
Despite a few issues requiring an exchange or two, the Greys 'G' series get my vote for '08 as they were cheap, fitted me and were pretty good quality. OK, the first 2 pairs leaked
badly but the third pair are tickity boo
Having now tempted fate, they'll leak like a sieve on the first outing of '09 no doubt
Wading boots.
Yet again Orvis - 'cos they make them in my size - this time the Henrys Fork II wading boots.
I'm sure there's much more (jackets, fishing vest etc), but that'll do for now