Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Books and Fly Tying

Started by Mike Barrio, 18/11/2024 at 09:59

Mike Barrio

Looks like our book reading and fly tying season has arrived .....

What books have you got lined up for this winter?

Graham Nicol

For Christmas I have asked for Klinkhamer by the man himself and Lawrence Catlow's latest book. In addition as I have all John Geirach's books in memory of him I will start rereading them commencing with Trout Bum

Mike Barrio

Nice one Graham  :)  I haven't got round to posting a letter to Santa yet.

I suspect quite a few folk will grab one of John's books from the shelf this winter. A Fly Rod Of Your Own is sitting ready on my coffee table.

Trout Bum remains my favourite, it was the first Gierach book that I read,  and like many on here - I guess I'm a bit of a Troutbum at heart too.

James Laraway

is that the burn between Veyatie and Fionn ?

Mike Barrio

Quote from: James Laraway on 19/11/2024 at 11:09
is that the burn between Veyatie and Fionn ?
I was on the Kirkaig, above the falls James, enjoying a few casts on our way up to Fionn.

Sandy Nelson

I have these to read for the winter, to follow on from 'the earth is enough'  which I read over the summer.  I really took to Middleton's writing style.

The middle one is on my tying desk and has been all season, also by the couch and the bed at various points. By far and away the  best flytying book I have. Very inspiring and lots of positive reinforcement from someone who fishes a similar way to me.

I've no doubt at some point I'll pick up a Geirach too. My favourite is ' standing in a river waving a stick' which is the first one I read as I loved the title, very much buying a book from its cover.

Mike Barrio

Great stuff Sandy, those will keep you occupied for a while  :)

Looked up the Kelly Galloup book ..... Ouch  *smiley-grin*

Eddie Sinclair

Not sure about the books for this winter yet but the fly tying bit is well under way. I have 5 black and peacock spiders left to do in a box of 100 loch wets for next season. On to dries and nymphs next.

Mike Barrio

Great stuff Eddie, sounds like you're off to a good start  :)

Post a few pics if you have time, it's always interesting to see what everybody is tying.

Graham Nicol

If you like Geirach style of writing do get your hands on a book by James Babb. His wit is very similar to Geirach and being editor of Gray's Sporting Journal is a highly talented writer.
Sandy, another Harry Middleton book for you to read over Winter. Again a talented write who sadly died quite young

Eddie Sinclair

Hers the nearly finished box of wets.

Mike Barrio

Nice one, those look great Eddie  :z16

Eddie Sinclair

Cheers Mike,

Just finished the box. A cheeky selection of tens and twelves to chuck at wild brownies in the lochs next season.

Keith Potter

Had a bit of a rough time this year with various different things so have just booked a week off work in August next year and booked accommodation on South Uist so time to get filling the boxes and doing some research into some lochs to go visit.😁

Mike Barrio

Great stuff Keith, certainly something to look forward to  :)

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