Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

James Laraway

Highland lochs 2024
« on: 18/02/2024 at 12:53 »
So yesterday the weather wasn't looking too bad so i thought i would take the opportunity for a wee cast after old Esox. I went to the same loch near aviemore that i tried last year and where i missed a couple of good takes.
Luckily the weather was calm but a little chilly so i headed out in the tube.
Within 10 mins i was in . A fairly gentle take but a great strong fight and a lovely fish in the net.
I would have filmed the fight but the battery was dead on my 'action camera' so i didn't really get any good photos of here as i was scared of dropping my phone overboard !
Only managed about 3 hours of fishing as my feet were getting cold but a good day was had.
She took a 'pike imitation' on a Barrio Predator intermediate line with a free running cone on the leader to get down a bit.

Mike Barrio

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #1 on: 18/02/2024 at 17:36 »
Nice one James, good to get out and blow away the cobwebs  :)

James Laraway

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #2 on: 01/04/2024 at 14:16 »
so this year i joined Dornoch Angling Club for something a bit different.

As the weather was nice on Friday i headed up to fish Loch Lannsaidh which is their stocked loch in the hills about 15 mins from dornoch.

All their lochs look lovely and natural, as did this one

I was fishing from the tube and as i was setting up there were fish moving everywhere ( it had been stocked a couple of weeks ago)

I had great sport and got 14 for my day on a mix of lines , flies and tactics.

If you  are ever in the area you can also get day permits for most of the lochs.

Im looking forward to trying their wild trout lochs too but thought i would start with the 'bows.

One of two of their trout lochs have a reputation for good brownies so looking forward to that ! Also being a member i can get access to Loch Brora also  *smiley-yippee*

Sandy Nelson

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #3 on: 01/04/2024 at 16:27 »
Looks fantastic  *smiley-love*

Mike Barrio

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #4 on: 01/04/2024 at 16:47 »
Nice one James, sounds awesome  >)

James Laraway

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #5 on: 06/05/2024 at 08:55 »
So another new loch for me on saturday, one of Dornoch Angling Clubs wild trout waters.

Although it was not due to rain we seem to be suffering from sea fog at the moment which really cools things down.

Anyway, having struggled to find the loch through forestry roads i came upon it and it was a lovely wee loch amoungst the heather. No wading here as you would sink without trace but the banks were good.

Set up with my #4 glass and started working one bank. About 5 mins in I get one of about 1/2 lb on a gosling style peter ross on point ( size 8 so they are not afraid of big flies !)

I then work my way down and about 20 mins later i get another, more 3/4 to 1lb on a black cormorant, again on the point.

I am seeing a splash, then a pause then a pull so i think they are going for the dropper, missing then taking the point fly.

I fish for about 3 hours and land 4 and miss a few. A good wee trip out considering the weather was a wee bit chilly

The last fish is a right bruiser and smashes the fly on the dropper for once ( black and red muddler). It takes to the air and makes a right thump as it re-enters the water. There is a great bend on the rod and the fight is hard. I think this one is somewhere between 1 1/4 and 1 1/2....unfortunately the photo doesnt show its size or how massively fat it was

I'll be back....

James Laraway

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #6 on: 27/05/2024 at 11:25 »
So i wandered to another loch on saturday .

The weather was due to be lovely so i was hopeful of a fruitful day.

Started off with my #4 from the bank and within i would say 5 mins got a solid take and a good fish cartwheeled into the air. When it landed it started ripping line through my finders with my rod buckling....i lost control of the line through my fingers and ....well.....cue the air turning a lovely shade a blue ! What a stonker of a fish - at least a couple of pounds

The wind was swirling a but but casting was ok. I then had another solid take and nothing...i was gutted.

About 30 mins later i did get one on the bank and a right fatty it was too

Picture is quite poor in showing its size put it was a good 3/4 to 1lb - maybe even heavier due to its build !

Had a few more takes that i failed to convert.

Just as i was about to leave the wind dropped and fish started splashing, some right next to the bank . I never fish dries but thought " why not ?"

Put on a ' jingler' and within a couple of minutes there is a splash and i have a fish on the line - i was well chuffed . Great way to end the day.

James Laraway

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #7 on: 10/06/2024 at 15:02 »
popped out to try for old esox for a few hours on sunday.
No fish but what a view

Terry Coging

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #8 on: 11/06/2024 at 06:52 »
Looking forward to fishing the Assynt region again next week. The usual Lochs are booked - Veyatie, Camma and Urigil. Couldn't get a boat on Little L Awe - it's always popular if there is a hint of mayfly.  As usual I'll be spending a few hours on L Borralan - the underrated roadside Loch that always produces. My failing mobility means it's boat only these days. The hill Lochs are just dreams - used to have some great days in the wilds of Wester Ross, Loch hopping with my Lab Bonnie.
It's a pity that my buddies aren't keen on L Shin or Assynt - I love those big lochs. 

Strayed over to Ireland  last month, - ok-ish but no serious mayfly hatches.  My 15' wafting rod method out fished the others every day but one.  A flashy mayfly tied by James did the trick on the top dropper when the sun was out. Thanks James.

Robert MacDonald-Lewis

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #9 on: 19/06/2024 at 12:40 »
Worth tryin the Inver Lodge Hotel, or the estate manager for a boat on Loch Awe, I managed to get on there on Monday. No motor on their clincker built boat though. There were a few Mayfly about but not what you would call a hatch, maybe this weekend was a little too early.

Terry Coging

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #10 on: 24/06/2024 at 07:54 »
Robert - tried to book on Little loch Awe 2 wks prior to going but not available for the day we wanted = Thursday.  Fished Borralan instead and had a great day on the dry sedge. As stated before and proven on Saturday,  that Borralan is underrated - a resident had about 20 including 2 char and a brown weighing 3lb 6oz. I had over 30 fish on the previous Sunday with several approaching a pound and one over a pound. Fishing the big sedges attracted the bigger fish. Not many mayfly about in the cold weather. Got blown off Veyattie but had an excellent day on Camma on Wednesday.

James Laraway

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #11 on: 24/06/2024 at 10:02 »
blimey - Borrolan sounds like it was amazing for your Terry ! It is a lovely loch, I'm just sad that i was unable to make it up to see you.

I only managed to get out for 3 hours fishing on Saturday but it was worth it.

Despite the really hot and sunny weather the fish were taking hard and I quickly had about 6 come to the net - mainly on the 'grouse and peacock' fly which it turns out is a real 'killer' (I'll have to send you some)

Things then slowed slightly so I put on a big goldhead pine squirrel nymph to get down in the water a wee bit more. What followed was a really really gentle take. The fish swan towards me so i had to strip line in. Then it stopped and a dogged fight ensured. The fish stayed deep - always a good sign. Then i slipped the net under still without getting a good view.
Turn out she was a real 'old warrior' (sorry about the poor picture I was trying to get her back ASAP and the sun kept throwing my shadow onto the picture)

About 5 mins later I get another thumping take but this time the fish takes to the air - another lovely one. This time nice and golden and a male fish this time

5 mins later again - another nice looking fish

What a few hours. 3 lovely wild fish and another 7 to the net.

After that i just packed in, it was all a bit too much !

Robert MacDonald-Lewis

Re: Highland lochs 2024
« Reply #12 on: 30/06/2024 at 10:55 »
Robert - tried to book on Little loch Awe 2 wks prior to going but not available for the day we wanted = Thursday.  Fished Borralan instead and had a great day on the dry sedge. As stated before and proven on Saturday,  that Borralan is underrated - a resident had about 20 including 2 char and a brown weighing 3lb 6oz. I had over 30 fish on the previous Sunday with several approaching a pound and one over a pound. Fishing the big sedges attracted the bigger fish. Not many mayfly about in the cold weather. Got blown off Veyattie but had an excellent day on Camma on Wednesday.

That does sound like a great days fishing, I'll have to get a day on Borralan next time.


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