Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Andrew Boswell

Favourite rod of all time
« on: 09/08/2023 at 15:15 »
Hi folks

In an attempt to try and keep the forum going, let’s recreate a thread from the past. It’ll be interesting to see how tastes have changed (or not) over the intervening 15 years…

So the question is:-

“What is your favourite rod of all time?”

To make life a little easier, let’s have a #5 or heavier, and a #4 or lighter option.

My choices would be:

#5 - Winston Boron B2X (made by Sandy)

#4 - Epic Packlight 476 Glass (made by Sandy)

Sandy Nelson

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #1 on: 09/08/2023 at 15:40 »
“What is your favourite rod of all time?”

My 3pc 7’ 6” 5wt medium cut Marc Aroner Hunt .  *smiley-love*

Mike Barrio

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #2 on: 09/08/2023 at 16:41 »
Favourite #5 - the 4 pce LC905, built in 2010 and still my 'go to' rod today.

My other favourite is a #3 - the 3 pce LC903, also from 2010   >) 

Graham Nicol

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #3 on: 10/08/2023 at 07:47 »
As ever have several.
I had a Scott G2 that was sublime and stupidly sold it regretting it ever since.
I also had several Sage SLT models that were a pleasure to fish with.
However, I now have a few Winston BIIt which I will never part with. Their action suits my casting style beautifully and I just adore the Winston green  colour of the blanks with the various wooden reel seats that come along with them. Most of mine are elder.

Mike Barrio

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #4 on: 10/08/2023 at 10:11 »
My 3pc 7’ 6” 5wt medium cut Marc Aroner Hunt .  *smiley-love*
Marc Aroner ...... is that the Boo Sandy?

Gavin Stevenson

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #5 on: 10/08/2023 at 10:42 »
Sage XP 9ft 5# - still my go to stillwater dry fly rod after 20+ years

Sandy Nelson

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #6 on: 10/08/2023 at 11:05 »
Marc Aroner ...... is that the Boo Sandy?

Indeed it is ‘THE’ Boo.
By far my favourite rod to fish with, even if it’s not the one I use most  *smiley-wink*

Eddie Sinclair

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #7 on: 10/08/2023 at 13:27 »
Orvis Helios 2. Ten foot four weight used for nymphs, dries on the river and most often as a loch style rod from the boat. One rod to rule them all. I have quite a collection of rods but this one is always in the car when I travel.

Mark Hanlon

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #8 on: 10/08/2023 at 19:41 »
My favorite rod of all time is a Sage LL389 that I built myself back in 1990. It was never pretty but fishes like a dream. A nice traditional action and a lot of power for a 3wt.

Whoops, I missed the 4 and 5 wt suggestion. I’ll say the Sage is a 3.5 wt.

Steven Sinclair

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #9 on: 10/08/2023 at 21:29 »
Favourite 3# is a LC903 of Mike b's

Favourite 5# is the barrio loch style 👍

All my other "go to" single handers are paul ardens sexyloop range. I have them in 9' 4#, 6#, 8# and 10# 👍



Steven Kidd

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #10 on: 11/08/2023 at 09:12 »

My favourite go to rod these days is the Greys GR80 Streamflex Plus 10ft 3wt...........for dries, spiders and nymphs it does it all with delight!   

Then for special occasions I love my Ijuin Beni hard para 7'6" 4wt glass rod, :-)


Eddie Sinclair

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #11 on: 11/08/2023 at 19:23 »
Favourite 3# is a LC903 of Mike b's

Favourite 5# is the barrio loch style 👍

All my other "go to" single handers are paul ardens sexyloop range. I have them in 9' 4#, 6#, 8# and 10# 👍


I should admit that I too have the Paul Arden set above and the LC 03 😂

Terry Coging

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #12 on: 13/08/2023 at 08:32 »
A rod that I would never part with is a 2pc 8'6" #5 cane rod built for me in 1980 by Bill Tagg of Stafford. It has two tops - one for across and down and the other for the dry. Sounds old fashioned but as well as all the memories, I feel in symbiosis with this lovely rod built from raw materials by a master craftsman.
For a 3 weight my favourite rod is the 15' wafter built on a CTS blank. So easy and satisfying to use.

Mike Barrio

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #13 on: 13/08/2023 at 12:47 »
Looks like we have about 800 members that haven't found a rod that they would call their favourite  :z8

That's gotta be good news for rod retailers  *smiley-lol*

Fred Hay

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #14 on: 14/08/2023 at 06:37 »
I had to re read the original post - all you guys with light weight rods, which I have never possessed until last couple of years but my favourite has be a 10ft 6in Sue Burgess Diamondback rod  rated 7 to 10 which I've had since the late 1970's/early 1980's.    Obviously it's a beast compared with modern rods and I can just see the 'purists' amongst you shaking with disbelief that someone would fish for trout with such a heavy rated rod but to be fair has quite a soft through action and designed more for double taper lines.  I usually fished it with a either a 7# or 8# DT line and I've taken countless trout, sea trout and salmon (up to 15lbs) on it - unfortunately consigned to the rack in the garage as I've been dabbling with faster action light weight rods and weight forward or shooting head type lines to try and keep up with modern trends but in reality none of the new rods are a patch on it.
I took it out earlier in the year to go rainbow bashing and a 'renowned' angler had a go with it but could make nothing of the soft action as he was too used to fast action rods and trying to get max distance rather than letting the rod work but that's another story.
But ...... you've got to look the part and keep up with  forward thinking/methods and keep the manufacturers happy !!!!!

Mike Barrio

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #15 on: 14/08/2023 at 12:38 »
Great stuff Fred, forget about looking the part and keeping up with trends - fish with whatever makes you happy!  :z16

I like quite a few older rods and their actions ( bit of a Daiwa Whisker fan ) and I frequently fish DT lines on all my rods.

Hamish Young

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #16 on: 14/08/2023 at 16:01 »
To make life a little easier, let’s have a #5 or heavier, and a #4 or lighter option.

#5 or heavier.... well no-one said double handed rods were out of the question :! So my original 15' #10wt Mackenzie DTX remains my favourite rod over a #5. Just.  If it had to be a single hander then the rod I have the softest spot for is a custom Greys GPRL 10' 7/8 which (even today, 30-ish years since it was new) is a potent rod and a fine fishing tool.  But then again... the 9'6" #6wt Helios that I sat my SGAIC with is seldom far from me. Damn... failed to answer a simple question. Again  :X1

#4 or lighter. Original Orvis Helios 10' #4 which remains the best all round versatile rod for trout fishing I have ever used.


Andrew Boswell

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #17 on: 14/08/2023 at 16:25 »
For me, older rods are a dilemma.

I FAR prefer the action of many older rods over more modern tip-action pokers


I know that it just takes one wrong movement to snap the tip and they’re consigned to holding up the sunflowers.

Which is a major drama, if you’ve just sunk a few hundred quid into one   :X1

John Wastle

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #18 on: 15/08/2023 at 19:59 »
I'm not much of a catch for rod retailers, I'm not often tempted by the newest, lightest, highest tech rods.  However,

Double hander - the original Snowbee XS-P 14' 9/10 which when treated as a proper #10 became an amazing rod. It made me give up my 15' Sage Euros even on the Tay. Perfectly matched with a Rio AFS 10/11 or Snowbee 1D.

Heavy single hander, Sage XP #7. Still my go to for heavy stillwater work. One flaw being a lack of backbone handling heavier fish (I still prefer an old Norwich M400 10'6" for single handed salmon.

Light single hander, Hanak Alpen 4 in 1 nymph #4. 9'6" big river dry fly rod, 10' loch dryfly and nymph and 11' loch style rod all in one tube.

And finally, my joker. I recently rediscovered an old budget Leeda Dragonfly 8'6" 4/5. I had to fly down south and needed a rod to cast big mayfly on a small river and fish dries for reservior rainbows. I had forgotton how nice a rod it is. This winter the cheap tat is coming  of and I am going to rebuild it with good handle and fittings.

Sorry, I have exceeded my quota.

Kevin McPherson

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #19 on: 17/08/2023 at 15:39 »
Spotted the post while offshore so no pics but 5wt and above , I do like my Orvis Silver label 5wt nice open loops casts nice must be around 18 years old but still a cracking rod ,  But i do like my New FX2 9ft6 inch  6wt rod  for when it’s a bit windy etc
In the 4 wt and Below has to go to my 10ft 4 wt Vision Sisu  nice soft tip great for spider fishing .
Although  On the look out for a new 10ft 4wt rod not much about that takes my fancy I like a un-sanded finish a wee fighting butt and a fuller handle but nothing on the go matching my requirements, The search goes on 😩

Andrew Boswell

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #20 on: 17/08/2023 at 19:37 »
I have an FX1 10’ #6 for when it’s windy Kevin - they are great rods. Especially when half price.

I haven’t tried an FX2 yet but they were drawing a lot of interest at the Moy Fair.

Peter McCallum

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #21 on: 25/08/2023 at 22:41 »
#5 and up would be the original orvis helios #5 9' still my go to rod. Only one I've used in a  #4 or under is an orvis access #4 10' so I suppose that's the one a lovely rod for wild fish.

Kav Ring

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #22 on: 06/09/2023 at 21:13 »
I've only been back fishing a few years  but my fav is an Echo 4wt glass, fittings are not the greatest but love the action (and colour). I would like to try one of the rods from when I was kit just to see what they are like. Had a Shakespeare sigma and a glass blackfly but can't remember what weight.

Eddie Sinclair

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #23 on: 07/09/2023 at 13:58 »

My first rod was a nine foot 6/7 Milbro trufly deluxe. Euan Inness got one for me recently off eBay and it is in great nick. I have put a line through it. I would love to say it’s great but alas we are now spoiled with modern rods but I do want to get a fish on it for old times sake.


Terry Coging

Re: Favourite rod of all time
« Reply #24 on: 09/09/2023 at 09:57 »
I spent last week near Oban by a sea loch and used a rod that I had used for carp the previous week. It was a Daiwa whisker 9'9" 7-9 wt. What a great rod it is by any modern standards! Perfect for carp, sea trout, mackerel and pollock with an 8 wt fast sink tip. Used to use it as a s/h salmon rod and heavy lure rod on the reservoirs. It is not a poker but sticks a big line out easily. Trouble is - I left it behind in Oban :X1


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