For sure, dapping seems to have survived the 'death' of the great Sea Trout lochs in Scotland as
even more of a minority interest amongst those who are aware of its efficacy as a catcher of fish and tormentor of anglers in equal measure.
I can't comment on how much it has thrived/survived in Ireland, but the last time I was up at Loch Hope I saw folk on the water dapping, the same for the last time I was on Loch Shin and so on across waters throughout Scotland I have nearly always seen someone dapping..... and I wasn't necessarily the one dapping either
It's by no means mainstream, and really hasn't been since the late 80's. 1980s btw, not 1880s
On the subject matter of a 'Loch Style' rod, it will be interesting to see what you come with prototype wise @Sandy, a light in the hand, balanced and light line 11' loch rod would be intriguing to try.