Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

James Laraway

Moy Game Fair next weekend
« on: 28/07/2023 at 10:54 »
I should say 'Moy Country Fair' but i don't want to be accused of being 'woke'

anyone going along ?

Mike Barrio

Re: Moy Game Fair next weekend
« Reply #1 on: 28/07/2023 at 15:26 »
Anyone going along?
Don't think so James - unless it's a last minute thing.

Richard Williamson

Re: Moy Game Fair next weekend
« Reply #2 on: 29/07/2023 at 11:04 »
We go every year. Attending Friday. Never thought of it for fishing. For us it’s normally for the shooting.

Andrew Boswell

Re: Moy Game Fair next weekend
« Reply #3 on: 29/07/2023 at 11:19 »
Going both days. Can’t wait. First show I’ve been able to attend since Covid.

Hamish Young

Re: Moy Game Fair next weekend
« Reply #4 on: 01/08/2023 at 20:27 »
I'm taking junior along on Friday to Moy as he's never been before and it's hugely more convenient than Scone   *smiley-wink*
Worth pointing out that Dave is likely to be covering a lot more than Carp and Pike on his stand -  which I look forward to visiting - he'll be talking about other species that are achievable on the fly on and around the coast of the Highlands  and further afield - I recommend asking about Dorado  if you're visiting his stand  :z18
Scott Mackenzie will indeed be there and will be running demos over the two days, he should have FX2 rods on the stand and you need to try one  :z16


Andrew Boswell

Re: Moy Game Fair next weekend
« Reply #5 on: 04/08/2023 at 15:34 »
Nice trip to the Fair today.

The weather held up despite threatening rain mid morning.

To me, it felt a lot better organised than previous years. Probably reflected by the £20 entry.

Good to catch up with Robbie M-L in the fly tying tent, and to chat glass with Dave Felce in his carp grotto.

Well worth a trip tomorrow if you’re swithering - just remember to remortgage the house first if you want to buy a burger…

James Laraway

Re: Moy Game Fair next weekend
« Reply #6 on: 04/08/2023 at 16:51 »
Just back myself. Had a great day out with the family and met up with a few friends into the bargain!
The event was excellent, good variety of stalls and the biggest surprise was proper and clean loos ! That's worth the entry fee on its own 😆

Hamish Young

Re: Moy Game Fair next weekend
« Reply #7 on: 04/08/2023 at 17:48 »
So junior and I went to Moy today - his first game fair - and it was good.
 A real improvement on previous events across the whole and - as James said - the new toilet facilities that we came across coming in from the premium parking were bloody ace :z18
 'Fisherman's Corner' was rather modest (quality though!) and despite promises I had heard/read that it would be bigger and better than ever it still felt like something of an afterthought, the new fly tying section was nice to see, but wasn't exactly well sign-posted. Odd that Simon and his Simba rods were about as far away from everything else fishing as you could possibly get :!
Super cool to see many friends, forum members and familiar faces; although not so pleasing was junior getting bitten by a cleg on his left ear before midday which ultimately necessitated a visit to the 1st aid tent who looked after him brilliantly. Their efforts extended our time at the event to gone 15:00, and were in and parked before 0930.
Would I go again :? Definitely.
Will angling ever be busier at Moy (or really any Game Fair) :? Hmmmmmm

Andrew Boswell

Re: Moy Game Fair next weekend
« Reply #8 on: 04/08/2023 at 17:56 »
'Fisherman's Corner' was rather modest (quality though!) and despite promises I had heard/read that it would be bigger and better than ever it still felt like something of an afterthought, the new fly tying section was nice to see, but wasn't exactly well sign-posted.

Agree with you there Hamish; I struggled to find the fishing area until I saw the tips of Scott Mackenzie’s rods above the roof of the marquee. Being down by the loch (and therefore away from the main “arena” and rows of stalls) probably didn’t help.

Richard Williamson

Re: Moy Game Fair next weekend
« Reply #9 on: 05/08/2023 at 09:23 »
We had a brilliant day. Happy it wasn’t super hot as we took the dogs. Moy has always been just enough for us, in years gone by the event at Ragley Hall was too overwhelming. We were in and parked within a few minutes and it felt like there were more attendants on duty than last year.

It made sense having the fishing located where it was - there were fly fishing lessons (I think free to children) available on the loch but the location  did detract from ‘passing’ foot fall. The children’s bouncy castle was similarly tucked away. Maybe a bigger sign would have helped (for both). It felt strange the rod maker was at the other end of the show ground but we thought that’s where he was located in previous years? Also some of the clothing/general outdoor gear sellers were selling flies. I guess they’d not want to relocate to the fishing area due to a perceived loss of trade?

When we were in the fishing area it felt like a lot of the trade stand people were chatting amongst themselves - but maybe that was because of the lack of foot fall? I met Scott Makenzie and his son. He was brilliant and couldn’t have spent more time with me answering my stupid questions! It never felt like he wanted rid.   

Scott’s fishing demo in the main ring was great and well attended.

Oh, and I was suitably embarrassed by a clown 😂

James Laraway

Re: Moy Game Fair next weekend
« Reply #10 on: 05/08/2023 at 14:07 »
Shame Simba rods were outside 'the fishing zone ' yet Twin Peakes ' fly fishing ' had a stall there. They are just seem to be a Yeti retailer with a boxes of flies,a few bucktails and a few  Loop rods thrown in  so would have been better suited elsewhere . Reminded me of Orvis stores of old that we 90% non fishing....
But that would be my only grumble...


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