Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Howard & Stuart

Lochter Report – A wind of change at Lochter
Down Lochter way last week we had our eyes set on the Lochter flagpoles hoping that the bitter north wind would change direction to a more favourable southerly or westerly wind to give the cold handed fishers some hope of a thaw. They say March is a month of considerable frustration being so near to Spring but being ensconced in Winters last tight grip even though it is the month that heralds in the days of equal dark and light. The wind did change for a few days over the weekend and many anglers took advantage of the ice free lochs to cast a rusty line.
Mike Yeoman had 17 fish using either damsels or buzzers, R Jenkins  stuck to bloodworms for his 17 fish, Steven Walker had 16 fish mainly on buzzers and Sandy Robb had 15 fish on the ever popular blue flash damsel.
Paul Ingram kept faith with his cormorant and Dennis the Menace buzzer set up for 14 fish, Graeme Duthie also had 14 fish on a blob and buzzer set up, Gordon Cheyne  used stalking bugs to good effect netting 12 fish, Ernie Mackay used small nymphs for 12 fish and Mike Munro had 9 fish on a yellow dancer and hothead damsel.
Other flies that worked during the week were the vicar buzzer, Montana lure, green apps bloodworm, mini cats whisker and the green cormorant so there’s a ‘starter for ten’ for you if you are wondering what’s working.
I wish you well wherever you fish. Signing off for the last time from down Lochter way.
Stuart Robert Patterson – 14/3/23

Mike Barrio

Re: Lochter Report – A wind of change at Lochter
« Reply #1 on: 14/03/2023 at 12:32 »
I wish you well wherever you fish. Signing off for the last time from down Lochter way.
Stuart Robert Patterson – 14/3/23

Hi Stuart

Thanks for the great reports and the warm welcome whenever we visited the fishery, these have always been very much appreciated.

Wishing you all the best for whatever the future holds!



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