Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Howard & Stuart

Lochter Report – Winter on the way.
« on: 06/12/2022 at 12:56 »
Lochter Report – Winter on the way.
Down Lochter way we are bracing ourselves for the first Wintry blast of the year which should not be thought uncommon as they do say that ‘ December drops no weak relenting tear ’ and that its ‘Wintry breath clouds the ponds, frosting the pane and obscuring Summers memory’ . It will certainly do that all right, as our merry band of regulars huddle in the bothy looking out to a Wintry scene with survival rather success uppermost in their minds and all thoughts of a skilfully cast dry fly being plucked delicately from the surface by a grateful trout now seriously filed to the back of their minds as - ‘try again in May’.
However last week things kept ticking over nicely in an undramatic normal way with some healthy numbers of trout being caught.Norman Fletcher stuck with his favourite eggstacy fly for his 20 fish and also on this total was Ronnie Ewen who used a selection of his home tied cormorants.
Mike Skene did well fishing a team of buzzers as it got him 15 fish,G Third used a selection of lures for his 15 fish,Donald Forbes changed between the Apps bloodworm and black and green lures for his 14 fish,Graeme Duthie stuck with white lures for his 14 fish, Albert Trail used the cruncher and mop for 14 fish and Colin Robertson used okay dokay’s and a white cormorant for his 14 fish.
C Gordon stuck with the zonker or shimmer worm for his 15 fish,Simon Ruddiman kept up his good run of form with 11 fish on the bloodworm or mini lures,Ken Scott had 11 on nymphs and lures,
Sandy Brown had 10 on the nomad lure, Rob Wishart had 10 on black buzzers and Russell Jenkins had 9 on buzzers and nymphs.
Other flies that caught between 5 and 8 fish were the black WSW lure, green beaded diawl bach,kingfisher cormorant and yellow bunny leech.
You should hold onto the thought that we are nearer to Spring than we were in September and let that bolster you for the frosty fingered fishing that lies ahead.
Tight lines wherever you fish .
SRP 6/12/22


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