Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Howard & Stuart

Lochter Report - Holiday success at Lochter
« on: 29/07/2022 at 11:42 »
Down Lochter way last week we had a steady stream of holiday makers who made their way,many for the first time,to try their hand at catching a Lochter trout.Most succeeded and some did very well.

John Armstrong,up from the Borders had an evening session using cdc hoppers and olive duns and he was very pleased with his 12 fish which included a lovely 6Lb blue trout.

Robert Devlin from Ayrshire used foam emergers and crunchers to good effect as it got him 9 fish to the net.

Connor Douglas from Northern Ireland fished a red Zulu and Kate McLaren for his 8 fish,one of them being one of our popular tiger trout.

Closer to home our regular customers also worked away with Dave Simpson from Aberdeen on 15 fish on olive nymphs,cormorants and buzzers,Byron Ross on an evening session landed 16 fish on his own home tied dry flies,Jason Mills used a bunny leech for 12 fish and Davy Wood continued with the WSW lure for 11fish with two being about the 8Lb mark.

Other returns were Peter Selkirk with 11 fish on a hares ear,Gary Findlay with 11 on small nymphs,Peter Wilson on 9 fish on a WSW lure,Gavin Weir with 9 fish on black ants crunchers and Jake McCallum with 8 on shuttlecock CDCs.
So things are ticking away nicely in the slightly cooler conditions.

See you down Lochter way soon!

Tight lines

SP 27/7/22


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Barrio Fly Lines

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