Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Kerry Jordan

Finishing perdigons
« on: 30/09/2023 at 23:19 »
I’m interested in what forum members find the best finish for perdigons. I doubt it matters to trout or grayling but aesthetically I like a smooth hard shiny finish on them that’s tack free and don’t develop a whitish bloom when submerged.

Kav Ring

Re: Finishing perdigons
« Reply #1 on: 06/10/2023 at 23:19 »
I'd be interested too. I was looking at getting some UV resin for pike flies but guess the same stuff would be good for perditions too? I have made a few with nail varnish (I've use a spot of fluro/glittery stuff too) but it takes a while to build up layers

James Laraway

Re: Finishing perdigons
« Reply #2 on: 07/10/2023 at 09:34 »
Bugoff UK resin is ok, cheap and on eBay. I'm sure there are better out there though

John Wastle

Re: Finishing perdigons
« Reply #3 on: 15/10/2023 at 14:49 »
Hi James,
How do you get on curing the Bugoff resin? I got some recently and am unimpresed. Even after several zaps with uv it stays tacky. I had to give it a coat with the dregs of another resin to finish the flies.

Open to suggestions to resolve, or recommendations for a non tacky resin (the torch I am using works fine woth other resin I have used)

PS for buzzers amd perdigons I tend to use 2 coats of Hard as Nails. The resin is for bigger flies.

James Laraway

Re: Finishing perdigons
« Reply #4 on: 15/10/2023 at 19:32 »
Hi John, I've always got in ok with it. I think that there is some debate over different torches, laser pens and wavelength as some work better with some resins. I bought an expensive resin once and it was rubbish 😆

John Wastle

Re: Finishing perdigons
« Reply #5 on: 17/10/2023 at 17:07 »
Hi James, I  am not certain of the wavelength of my torch. It works with the other resin but may lack power. I am looking at a 220W nail lamp that puts out 365 and 405 nm and costs about the same as a decent torch. That should cover all bases. Has anyone tried one, or used any of the many coloured nail resins available?


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