Superb advice all round
I 'd agree with all of it, playing around and watching others is the way foward once you get going. For a start I'd go for black/white/olive WSW's (size 10's), a damsel (size 12)(although the olive wsw will do this job) some cats whiskers (size10,12 ), some bloodworms (aps type and marabou ones size 12,14) and some small black buzzers (superglue size 12,14).
I would fish the lures singly until your casting is sharp enough (shouldn't take too long
) then i would fish the buzzers/bloodworm as a two fly trace with the blood on the point and the buzzer on the dropper.
You'll find, as said before, at this time of year (as with most of the year) depth is the most important aspect, once you find where in the water level the fish are feeding/cruising then you will start to get takes.
if possible get both Floating and intermediate lines, for now fish the inter with the lures and the floater with the buzzers, watch the tip for takes, if it goes the wrong way lift firm but gentle
Learn how to figure of eight retrieve, impossible to explain
easy to show
so ask someone to show you how, you find you have much more control over the depth of fly.
At loch insch as with many waters at this time of the year the fish will be found within 15ft of the bank, so casting long ranges is unneccessary , you will find this doesn't change much through the year
If you cast across the wind and let the wind move the line in towards the bank while you retrieve it'll present buzzers especially well and often the fish will hook themselves
Anyway have fun, thats what its all about