So, with the weather being nice on Saturday I finally got the chance to try the upper Findhorn for trout.
For once the weather was nice and there wasn't a wind blowing me off the water.
Tried one pool which looks like it had great potential. Nothing.
The moved onto a much smaller but deep pool.
Fished a tungsten nymph on the point and one of the 'CDC' type nymphs on the dropper.
half was through the pool there was an almighty tug and I'm in.
A lovely conditioned fish to the CDC nymph
Two casts later and im in again - this time to the tungsten nymph.
And then same again .
So I moved on to explore the rest of the beat - fatal mistake. Didn't catch another thing.
The at 1300 there was a fly hatch so I moved to a large, slow pool and fish were rising to I switched to the dry fly.
Got a could of takes from wee fish then the bloomin wind picked up, the hatch stopped and everything went dead.