Well its been a while since I last posted, however the fishery has been doing exceptional well given the heat wave, as I am sure the regulars will atest to................however if you are interested..........In August Haddo fishery will be hosting a month long fishing competition, most caught over the month, wins. Sponsors are first prize Scott G Sim Joinery and building contractors Ltd putting up £200 plus a Barrio trout fly line, Second prize , curtsey of Ellon Timber & Building Supplies £100 plus a Barrio trout fly line, and thirdly, £50 plus a Barrio trout fly line by XCELL PLASTICS LIMITED of Ellon. Please register if interested to haddofishery@outlook.com. Note there is a £3 registration fee, after which normal fishery fees apply. During the month you may fish as many times as you wish, the totals will be taken from you’re the best 3 4 hour sessions. Do not be concerned if you fish for 8 hours, then it will simply be 2X4 hour sessions for the competition, During the month of August and the competition up to 4 hours means exactly that as does up to 8 hours, you may fish over 8 hours, however after 8 hours will be charged at £2 per rod after the 8 hours if you wish your catch to count. Now the bad news, no boobies, blobs, or snakes. Haddo has a policy of barbless or de barbed hooks. Please respect this, as the regulars will contest to, my camera does not lie, and it will negate your score..........Viv, Scott G Sim Ltd, Ellon Timber & Building Supplies, XCELL PLASTICS LIMITED. Welcome to the Haddo August Trout Accumulator.