The past week has been more settled with an increase in daytime temperatures which has led to a considerable amount of surface and sub surface activity with the fish feeding in the top few feet of water levels. This has prompted a drop in the activity created created by fishing lures and a corresponding increase in buzzers, bloodworm and Diawl Bach retrieved slowly below the water surface. Several anglers have reported activity by using dry flies but their success has been tempered by an inability to create a credible match. The best recorded catches this week fell to; P Cowie, Fraserburgh, 22 fish, (Kate McLaren, Cruncher), K Wright, Aberdeen, 20 fish, (Bloodworm), L Davidson, Macduff, 15 fish, (Diawl Bach), I Watt, Turriff, 14 fish, (black buzzer), R Ewen, Macduff, 11 fish, (Diawl Bach), M Ewen, Turriff, 8 fish, (spider, bloodworm, Diawl Bach), A Brown, Macduff, 7 fish, (black buzzer), A Gibson, Gardenstown, 7 fish, (cormorant), K Maddocks,, Aberdeen, 7 fish, (bunny leech), D Saddler, Aberdeen, 7 fish, (black buzzer).
A bag of 6 fish was also landed by A Murray, Gardenstown, K Fraser, Greeness and M McPherson, Lhanbryde.
Delgatie Castle Trout Fishery is open seven days from 8am til 5pm. Opening hours will be extended when conditions justify and evening fishing improves. Visitors are always welcome and booking is not necessary. Boats (where required) rods and tackle is available for hire at the fishery. For up to date information about conditions and other enquiries phone Bob on 07980 999 006.