The past week has seen the weather more settled but heavy rainfall on Tuesday/Wednesday upset the mid week fishing with higher water levels and coloured water. By Thursday conditions had settled and through to the weekend fishing has been more successful. Following the higher temperatures the fish have again risen up the water column and whilst lures have been successful, nymphs, blood worm and Diawl Bach on a quicker retrieve have also been productive. The best recorded catches this week fell to; P Cowie, Fraserburgh, 19 fish, (bloodworm, Diawl Bach), A Murray, Gardenstown, 19 fish, (olive fritz), A Cowie, Fraserburgh, 11 fish, (pink blob, green fritz), J Dewar, Fraserburgh, 9 fish, (bloodworm, Diawl Bach), K Simpson, St Fergus, 7 fish, (orange lure), J Adie, Inverurie, 7 fish, (millennium bug).
The weather for the coming week remains favourable and with seasonable temperatures. This should help to maintain current catch successes.
Delgatie Castle Trout Fishery is open 7 days from 8am with closing times being dictated by light conditions. Currently closing time is 5pm.
Visitors and novices are always welcome and boats (where required) rods and tackle is available for hire at the fishery. For up to date conditions and information phone Bob on 07980 999 006.