To describe this past week as mixed would be an enormous understatement with wind and rain being the dominant features interspersed with periods of sunshine.
Thursday was particularly volatile with a torrential downpour which raised the water level dramatically and required all our efforts to prevent flooding. This downpour left an inheritance of dirty water which was slow to clear but fortunately did not prevent the fish from feeding. At the time of writing (Sunday am) the water is still coloured but there is a relatively high level of surface activity.
The best catches this week were recorded by:
L Davidson, Macduff, 23 fish, (Olive Damsel/Fritz), D Stewart, Aberdeen, 14 fish, (Nymphs/Buzzers), J Abel, Fraserburgh, 12 fish, (Blobs/Cat's Whisker), A Murray, Gardenstown, 8 fish, (Cat's Whisker), N Thomson, Turriff, 7 fish, (Cormorant/Cat's Whisker), G Wood, Banff, 6 fish, (Bloodworm).
This coming week is predicted to be more settled and will hopefully lead to steadier fishing.
Delgatie Castle Trout Fishery is a Troutmaster water and is open seven days from 8:00am til 6:00pm this week and from 8:00am til dusk during the winter months. Visitors and novices are welcome and booking is not necessary. Boats (where required), rods and tackle is available for hire.
For further information phone Bob on 07980 999 006.