Hi matt,
Pull more line back into the rod before making the roll cast downstream to lift the line prior to the Spey cast, make sure there is about 18" - 2" of head inside the tip and fire the roll cast low to the water so that as soon as the loop has unrolled it is on the water. It may take two roll casts to get it straight, one to lift the line and one to straighten it fully, you can shoot a foot or two into the second roll cast but you must lower the trajectory so it does not get blown back at you.
With the circle Spey, it is unlikely that the wind alone is carrying the line too far upstream, it is probably something that you are doing when making the circle that is responsible.
Think about the circle as a U turned on its side with the bend pointing up and slightly outstream, (you will be making a C shape or circle but the U gives better reference points for analysis). With the line fished out and on the dangle, lift the rod straight up and go into round the bend of the U, do not drift the rod upstream before coming under (round the bend of the U) with the tip, make the top leg of the U as short as possible. The bottom leg of the sideways U should be longer than the top leg, by that I mean bring the tip further in to your own bank when completing the circle than it was relative to where you started from. Does that make sense? If not drop in past the shop & I'll get the MPR out. Once of the best things about the circle cast is that the anchor / end of the line can be placed with great accuracy.