Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Mike Barrio

Fishing For Rainbows
« on: 23/07/2024 at 23:37 »
An enjoyable few hours at Lochter Trout Fishery with Brian, Robert and George tonight.

Quite hard fishing, but managed to tempt a few on dries  :)

Fred Hay

Re: Fishing For Rainbows
« Reply #1 on: 25/07/2024 at 06:17 »
I went over to Lochter last night and found the same, hard going, quite a breeze and the fish never came on, just swirled below the surface.
I did manage to get a few on dries and buzzers but tough going.
A few anglers out and the only one catching in any numbers was an 11year old out with his dad ....  he out-fished everyone (I won't mention his name for fear of embarrassing the rest of the anglers  *smiley-funny*).
Absolutely  delighted for him and great to see a youngster coming into our sport.

Mike Barrio

Re: Fishing For Rainbows New
« Reply #2 on: 25/07/2024 at 10:43 »
Great stuff Fred, it was good to see a couple of young lads fishing the other night too.

We had bright conditions and a flat calm, with not much surface activity until the last 15-20 minutes before closing time.


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