Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Robert MacDonald-Lewis

Hackle Stacker Emerger
« on: 30/12/2022 at 20:16 »
Hackle Stacker Emerger step by step.

Mount a grub hook of your choice in the vise:

Catch on your tying thread, wind under body to where you want the body to end and return the thread to where the thorax will start. All in touching turns:

Dub you body working from the thorax backwards:

Rib the body with the tying thread in open turns:

For the rest of this fly I changed the tying thread to a white thread, this is not a necessary step:

Catch in Polypropylene wing post and wing material tying in along full length of the thorax:

Post the wing material with tying thread as you would with a klinkhammer. Check the post length against the thorax, you want it to be just short of the hook eye:

Catch in your hackle at base of post, note feather has barbules at the base of the wing post:

Dub the thorax, I worked forward then back to finish with the thread back at the base of the wing post. You could just dub back from the eye of the hook:

Wind the hackle up the posted section of the wing in open turns and then back down to the base of the post in open turns. Keeping the spacing of the turns as even as possible:

Tie off the hackle at the base of the wing post as you would a parachute hackle. I use three turn the catch the hackle in and a three turn whip finish to secure:

Apply some more of the thorax dubbing to the thread at take the thread to the front of the thorax ready to catch in the wing:

Now pull the wing forward, the extent of the hackle should reach the end of the thorax, and catch in with the tying thread:

From the head of the fly at the same time using the thread to push the unposted wing into a vertical position. Whip finish and cut the tying thread:

Trim the wing to length, colour the head of the fly with marker pen (if required) and varnish:

Mike Barrio

Re: Hackle Stacker Emerger
« Reply #1 on: 30/12/2022 at 20:53 »
Nice one Robert  :z16

Kerry Jordan

Re: Hackle Stacker Emerger
« Reply #2 on: 31/12/2022 at 12:33 »
Excellent tie and pics.

Kerry Jordan

Re: Hackle Stacker Emerger
« Reply #3 on: 31/12/2022 at 12:39 »
What I meant to add was that these flies are very buoyant but sit low in the film as emergers. The definitive book on these flies was written by a Scotsman, Ian Moutter about 20 years ago: "Tying flies the paraloop way". It is beautifully written and illustrated. it is still available as new old  stock from Coch Y Bonddu books at a much reduced price - around £7.50. Highly recommended!

Sandy Nelson

Re: Hackle Stacker Emerger
« Reply #4 on: 01/01/2023 at 14:34 »
I like this Robbie :z18

What's the hook you have used? I'm trying to find a nice curved hook with the right profile.



Robert MacDonald-Lewis

Re: Hackle Stacker Emerger
« Reply #5 on: 01/01/2023 at 19:20 »
Thanks for the kind comments gents.

Kerry, I will have a look for that book, thanks for the heads up.

Sandy, I tied this one a while ago but am pretty sure it was tied on a FullingMill Czech Nymph hook. I have been using these for various mergers and klinks for a while now. The new Boss Grub from FullingMill might be worth a look if you want a change in curvature in the hook.


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