Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Mike Barrio

Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden New
« on: 06/07/2016 at 09:33 »
Fly rod design of the Sexyloops Hot Torpedo ..........

Derek Roxborough

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #1 on: 06/07/2016 at 22:14 »
watched this with almost total incomprehension, maybe I'm just thick but  do we need another rod type I did notice he was in need of a decent fly line seeing the coils of his first one, and the midgies must have been bad, seeing how much he was scratching,all I could get from it (nice enough video) was that he liked a rod with a through action (as do I), the rods I have (home built) do all I ask of them, and some times I can even catch fish,  :z12 easgach 1

Tom Benson

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #2 on: 09/07/2016 at 12:05 »

Sir, ( where I'm from , that is an insult ). must reply to your post. But first must state an interest in the subject : Paul is a friend !
         Regarding the video , your comments , of your right , are well stated. However, I disagree. Having had the opportunity to
        try the ... the 6 wt & 4 wt & the proto 5 wt, must say I was greatly impressed. Intend buying his 4wt ; underlining it with my
        Rio 3 wt . ( floater ). Then when funds allow ; an 8 wt. Thus making my Sage ,,, 8wt & my method 6 wt . & my etc.
             Just a small & helpful  contra. thought.           Tom

Mike Barrio

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #3 on: 09/07/2016 at 13:45 »
Good to see differing opinions :z4

A number of us are friends of Paul's Tom, I have a Hot Torpedo Competitor ..... serial number 001 :cool:

The video is interesting - and very much in Paul's style of doing things.


Tom Benson

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #4 on: 09/07/2016 at 17:55 »

HI Mike, a thoughtful reply. Would not usually pass comment but, Paul,s rods are well designed & thoroughly tested.
                                              regards Tom       :z16 :z4 :z18

Euan Innes

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #5 on: 09/07/2016 at 18:17 »
I need another #4 like I need a hole in the head but strangely enough I want one of those. I better start saving I suppose.
Paul is indeed a wise man - I have known that 4 is the new 5 for a long time and that a DT4 is still the best thing since bread came pre-cut. :z4 :z4 :z4
But if I did get one I would have a hard time explaining to my Fario 9' #4 why she was being left in the rod room and not coming out to play.

Now to the video - During the first two minutes my professional side kicked in and I nearly wrote it off as sh1te but as Paul looks a lot like Captain Flint from Black Sails (Toby Stephens to save you Googling) and it was different from the usual American style of "this is the best rod ever, so help me God" I stuck with it. I am glad I did as the explanation of the flex of each section and how that affected the casting action and, more importantly, the fishing action,was very informative, quirky as it was. It was like talking to bloke down the pub.
The casting demo at the end was shiny  :z14 :z14 :z14

One thing though. The skeeters might not have been the only thing biting and I have heard that Malaysian crabs do give a nasty nip.... :z7
If Paul bought a better camera that would have been a 10/10.


Derek Roxborough

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #6 on: 09/07/2016 at 20:26 »
nothing wrong with the Video, I see I am in a minority because I have no Idea who the guy is, also how many more rods that are the Ultimate casting tool will we see ? every one you see advertised has this attached,
by the way Tom  where I come from you aspire to become a "sir" but generally end up being a "cur"  :shock     easgach 1

Will Shaw

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #7 on: 10/07/2016 at 09:00 »
Easgach has a very good point.

I watched Paul's vid from a perspective of knowing Paul (a little), trying his rods, and knowing his reference points. So I found it reasonably interesting.

However, looking at it from the POV of someone new to Paul and Sexyloops, the video doesn't really help much. If you come away thinking that Paul's rods are through-action you will be sorely disappointed - a major flaw in the vid. I'd say.


Mike Barrio

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #8 on: 10/07/2016 at 10:49 »
Paul casting the Barrio LC905 fly rod at the Sexyloops Scottish Gathering in 2010 :cool:

Not a million miles away from his current rod design ideas :z4

Mike Barrio

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #9 on: 10/07/2016 at 10:54 »
Easgach has a very good point.

I watched Paul's vid from a perspective of knowing Paul (a little), trying his rods, and knowing his reference points. So I found it reasonably interesting.

However, looking at it from the POV of someone new to Paul and Sexyloops, the video doesn't really help much. If you come away thinking that Paul's rods are through-action you will be sorely disappointed - a major flaw in the vid. I'd say.


Yes, I would agree with that Will :z16

Rob Brownfield

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #10 on: 11/07/2016 at 13:57 »
Paul casting the Barrio LC905 fly rod at the Sexyloops Scottish Gathering in 2010 :cool:

Not a million miles away from his current rod design ideas :z4

I just read you post Mike, and realised that you are having us on as you mention "Scottish" but I could clearly see what I thought were "Cricketers" in the background of the photo. I now realise that they are men in white coats coming to take Paul away ;)

Mike Barrio

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #11 on: 11/07/2016 at 14:18 »
Photo was taken in Kintore Rob :cool:

Tom Benson

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #12 on: 11/07/2016 at 15:02 »

Hi...... :z7 :z7 :z7 :z4 :z4 :z4

Tom Benson

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #13 on: 12/07/2016 at 19:01 »

Hi Mike .. hope this is not off post ?
                                                                            P Arden , broke his existing BFCC record last Saturday!
                                                                            5wt. 134.01 ft...
                                                                              congrats.    Best of Casting in the 2017 World Championships

                                                                                  Tom  :z4 :z4 :z4

Mike Barrio

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #14 on: 12/07/2016 at 19:49 »
Hi Tom,

Yes, I heard about the Alconbury results, great casting  :cool:


Steven Sinclair

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #15 on: 12/07/2016 at 23:44 »
All that time being George of the jungle certainly seems to have paid off.

I've fished for Pacu with him in Malaysia and he can certainly launch a line.


Iain Stewart

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #16 on: 13/07/2016 at 20:03 »
All that time being George of the jungle certainly seems to have paid off.

I've fished for Pacu with him in Malaysia and he can certainly launch a line.

Here a I have seen you launch a line loon so that is saying something if you think Paul can launch it. I have to say braw soundtrack and enjoyed the video. None of your mamby pamby sales bollocks here. Get on!

Joakim Hammenstig

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #17 on: 25/07/2020 at 15:57 »
I bought Hot Torpedo 6 after watching this and quite a bit of e-mailing with Paul. He invited me to come fish with him for Giant Snakehead and Giant Gourami in Malaysia and I have been there twice now.

A spectacular and unforgiving fishery. I am not the best caster and have only had one Gourami in the boat and lost a free rising Snakehead because of line break... I used the HT6 for dry fly for Gourami and borrowed his HT 10 or HT 8 for Snakehead.

Very nice rods but since I am quite new to the game I don't have much to compare with. I would say Paul is one of the best and nicest persons I have ever met. I've spent in total 5 weeks with him in the jungle and the two trips are the best in my life.

Cheers, Piffen

Mike Barrio

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #18 on: 25/07/2020 at 20:17 »
Great stuff Joakim ..... and welcome to the forum  :z16

Best wishes

Eddie Sinclair

Re: Fly Rod Design by Paul Arden
« Reply #19 on: 25/07/2020 at 20:40 »
All I need to add to this is that both Steven and I have a full set of hot torpedoes from the four weight to the ten and as Steven has said we have both fished in various places in Asia. Paul is a very accomplished caster but his rods are basically some of the best fishing tools I have had in over forty years of fly fishing and not only casting tools. If anyone is after a special rod for fishing then these need to be on your list of rods to try before you buy.



Barrio Fly Lines - designed in Scotland - Cast with confidence all over the world

Barrio Fly Lines

Designed in Scotland

Manufactured in the UK

Cast with confidence all over the world