It was indeed a grand day out!
Three grey haired kids excited about fishing for wee trout just about sums it up
Despite the weather fish rose and were caught, or more likely missed. These little buggers are FAST, really fast. And strong too. My first fish assumed the guise of a 2 pounder but turned out to be nearer a quarter of that. But oh my, they are pretty - heavily spotted, golden, buttery, shiny, feisty. The sunlight, of which there was lots, really brought out the trout's best features.
So here are some of my efforts with a camera.
The Cairngorms at their best
The boat house, a store of many treasures, including mac and cheese in a can.....
Relaxed rod trials - to Helios or not to Helios, that is the question. We all had SLX lines in orange though so no arguments there!
Lunch, where three men swapped stories, food and craik, drank cowboy coffee and fought off the advances of a man eating spider. Yes Iain, man up
Post lunch at the far end. All that loch for three people just makes you smile.
Looking east from the boathouse.
Thanks chaps for an excellent day out. Great drive there and back, sore ribs from laughing, and plans made for a future trip.
Just what the doctor ordered.