First pilgrimage to the Chalkstreams this week on the way back to work. River Dun (which flows in to the Test just above Romsey) Dunbridge Beat.
Beautiful beat, lovely weather and the river was full to over flowing but clear. I've never seen it so deep - the aquifiers are obviously well stocked after the winter / spring wet weather.
Little in the way of hatches all day and hardly a rise to be seen so it was nymphing that got me my fish. Not even the Big Daddy Long Legs could tempt anything up to the surface...
Water was too deep to stalk fish so it was all prospecting. I had three small Browns and four Grayling (three of which were crackers). All took a beaded PTN or a Killer Bug on an induced take at the end of the drift.
Single fly only, Dry or nymph, No droppers, at all, ever, not negociable - you'd be dragged onto Stockbridge Highstreet and shot if you tried otherwise